Chapter 32

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To put it all in one word, Damien was stressed.

Frankly, he had been stressed for weeks, with everything that had been going on, the frequent arguments with Katherine, and then work as well.

He had already decided within himself to take a vacation as soon as all this was over, but that time wasn't coming anytime soon, because he still had a lot to do, especially with all the meetings and projects he had to round up with before the end of the month.

It was extra pressure because he had to put in twice the work to impress his new partners, and prove to them that he was capable of handling whatever he was required to and so far it was going quite well.

As he clicked the button to forward a document to one of his business associates, the office phone rang. He reluctantly picked it up, and blurted out crudely, "Yes? Speak, I'm busy."

"Mr Rudiger is here to see you, sir. Nina his secretary say from the other end adding, "I called because you said you didn't want to be disturbed, so I wanted to make sure before I sent him in."

Damien cursed internally. He had completely forgotten that Mr Rudiger was due to see him today, and even though he was more than busy right now he knew that this couldn't wait.

If he was here now, then it meant that he had information on the case.

"Send him in." He ordered, replacing the receiver and awaiting Mr Rudiger's arrival.

It didn't take long before Damien heard a knock at the door, and giving his assent, the private investigator walked in greeting while he pointed at a chair for him to sit.

"Yes? I assume you bring news?" Damien asked, already beginning to get impatient.

"Yes I did and it's about Madison Connor, sir. I spoke to the manager of the catering company where she worked. He had no idea of her whereabouts. We finally managed to sweep through all the motels in the city. And it seems like—"

Damien hissed as his office door opened, and looking up to see who had interrupted them without even knocking, he froze instantly when he saw the huge form of Alvarez barge into his office, anger discernible on his features.

"Alvarez?" He began to say but he couldn't continue his speech because chaos erupted.

"So...after everything you did that poor woman, it still wasn't enough for you? You still went ahead to send people after her?" Alvarez bristled, not even paying Mr Rudiger any heed at all.

Damien frowned, wondering what Alvarez was going on about.

At this point he thought he would be used to Alvarez barging into his office, and the arguments they had afterwards but now he could see that it still ticked him off, and it was causing a huge strain on their friendship as well.

"What on earth are you talking about?" Damien snapped.

"I'm talking about you sending those men to stalk Madison!" Alvarez said, glaring at him, "Haven't you had your fun humiliating her in front of the whole world. Now you send people to stalk her as well? What is wrong with you?"

Damien frowned, his face scrunching in surprise as he and the private investigator exchanged looks, "Look, you must be mistaken. I never sent any of my men to stalk Madison. I only keep tabs and have my eyes on her family, and you already know this. So I don't understand what all of this is about."

Alvarez stared at him, shaking his head, "Some people have been stalking her... how do you explain that then? I know you want revenge on the Connors so just admit it an—"

"I already said I didn't send people to stalk her! How lowly do you think of me?" Damien insisted, "I'm only keeping an eye on her family. Good, Mr Rudiger, my private investigator is here and he's in charge of the investigation. You can ask him."

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