Chapter 97

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'...and this closes the news broadcast tonight. A hefty bounty placed on a kidnap victim. The depleting economy and the hazardous effects of drugs in our society again. See you next again, by this time tom...'

Damien didn't let the news anchorwoman finish, before turning off the television and throwing the control remote in his hand away.

"Arghhhh..." He yelled out loud, his hands going to his hair as he raked the dark strands over and over again.

The events of the past few hours closing in on him, Damien fell to the couch beside him in defeat, as a tear fell down his cheek slowly.

Madison had been abducted by some unknown men, and even though the police were already investigating thoroughly on the case, Damien wasn't sure if he'd rest tonight.

How could he sleep, knowing Madison was out there somewhere getting tortured or molested by some group of motherfuckers? How could he close his eyes, and pretend everything was fine, when it clearly want?

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" He half yelled, drawing the attention of the guards stationed in his room, and his private investigator too but at the moment he just didn't care.

All he wanted right now was Madison, and he just needed her in his arms, while he stroked her long hair strands softly. Now more than ever, he wished he could shut his eyes and by some goddamned power in him, he could transfer himself back to the past.

Back to when he had been happy and content with the love of his life. The woman he craved more than oxygen, more than anything in the whole wide world.

A woman he'd treated so badly, and now he was paying duly for it.

Just who had done this? Damien wondered, his hand rubbing at his forehead as he tried to soothe his raging nerves.

Today was like the worst day of his existence and the fact that he had woken up restless, should have been enough warning to him, but no he had waved the feeling away.

From the strange way he'd felt when going to Madison's house, the news her mother had delivered to him, and then Alvarez call, Damien had almost ran mad with worry and fury.

Just seconds after Alvarez called, he'd dialed Mr Rudiger's number, informing his investigator about what Alvarez had just said, ordering him to check around with the local news and listen if there was any case of robbery or kidnap anywhere in the city.

Not long after he hung up, approximately 5 minutes later, Mr Rudiger had called back with the bad news. The news that'd shattered his heart, and made him loose control.

There'd been a kidnap, with the driver dying and his passenger nowhere to be found and it had occurred close to the city's airport road. The location alone was enough for Damien to connect the dots, and instantly he'd known that Madison had been abducted.

He had felt it deep within that something bad had happened, and quickly spurring into action he'd called the police, and detectives he knew in London, placing them on Madison's case.

He had money, he had the resources and so he'd even offered a 10 million pounds bounty for Madison, and giving out her information and pictures, he'd instructed that investigations begin immediately.

Now as he recalled every single thing that had happened earlier today, Damien let out another string of curses as he stood up abruptly from the couch and began to pace up and down the large suite restlessly.

"I caused this! I fucking caused this! If only I hadn't pushed to early for our reconciliation, maybe she wouldn't have thought of traveling and this wouldn't have happened. Maybe, just freaking maybe."

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