Chapter 40

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Katherine waited impatiently until the coast was clear before she walked out of her car.

The men she hired had sent a message to her, telling her they had some information regarding the investigation on Madison, and Katherine had only been too happy to hear it.

As soon as she sorted out all she needed to do that morning, she hurried down to the address they had given her.

Getting there she turned her nose up at the surroundings, disgust coursing through her and she was even angry.

It was another abandoned building with a rundown garage built underground, and as she made her way through she wrinkled her nose.

Of course, what else had she expected. She just hoped for their sakes that they came with meaningful information, else they were going to regret it for making her pass through these slums.

The men were already awaiting her arrival when she stepped in, and they instantly stood from their seats, nodding at her when they saw her, but Katherine had no time for pleasantries and so she waved their greetings off.

"Talk to me." She ordered, cutting straight to the chase. She saw them exchange looks and then the one who she recognized as the boss, stepped forward.

"We have information on the lady...Madison Connor?"

Katherine nodded impatiently, "Yes? What have you got for me?"

"We found out the city where she is, and where she stays too. It's a relatively small town in London. I had her followed for a few days, and it turns out she recently landed herself a job."

Katherine looked up, "A job? What kind of job?" She asked, furious that Madison had gotten a job already, seeming to move on with her life. How did that even happen?

Katherine had expected her to be living in abject poverty still, since she had abandoned all that she had to come to New York, but then... She didn't like this news one bit.

"It's at a bakery in the town. It's a huge bakery, apparently. So I guess it's a pretty decent job, with a good pay for anyone who works there." He finished cutting through Katherine's thought, and she felt her face redden.

No! She couldn't possibly allow this. She didn't know why but she didn't like the idea of Madison having a very comfortable job.

Having a job meant that she would be able to cater for her needs, and maybe even start to live better, and if it was at a huge, well-known bakery then she would have a lot of opportunities like promotions and all. Also it would give her ample opportunity to take care of herself, and have more resources to send letters to Damien or even try to see him.

Distance would not be a barrier, when she had money to pay for train tickets or even flights and all that.

No! Katherine vowed not to let that happen. Madison was nothing but a low-life and she would keep it that way. What she deserved was to beg, and even if she got jobs then she had to work really menial ones all her life, and live permanently in poverty.

Katherine for no reason wanted to see her suffer... Well she had established the fact that she loathed the bitch right from the first day she had seen her, but now the hate was only increasing. Now, Katherine just wanted to watch her struggle and work until she couldn't take it anymore, and then she would break, give up on contacting Damien and just continue to live her poor miserable life. Only then would Katherine be able to rest.

She looked back up at the men.

Pointing at one of them, she motioned him forward, "Get the contact info of the bakery manager. Business card, whatever. I would like to have a word with him." She needed to get ahold of the manager. She could not rest until she was rest assured Madison was without a job, at least for now and also suffering.

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