Chapter 18

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"My establishment, my club, and you have the guts to step foot in here! What the fuck, are you doing here sleaze? Security!"

Madison froze at the sound of that voice.

She knew that voice... and no it couldn't be, but it was.

She held herself, her feets trembling as she slowly turned around, and then her mouth dropped open in surprise, as his name flew out of her lips in a stutter, "Da... Damien..."

She couldn't believe it, and she was taken aback when she saw the face of the very man that haunted every part of her brain, ingrained in every fragmented memory she had, and the effect had her nearly staggering back in shock.

She repeated the words he'd just said over and over again, and her mouth widened in shock as she came to the stark realization that this was his club.

His bar, which he owned.

He was the owner of this establishment? Madison pondered, her stomach beginning to churn in fear.

Her head spun as she clutched a nearby chair, almost spilling up the contents of the tray she held, but staying strong.

How did he always manage to show up in times like this, although she honestly did not want to see him? Since the first time she had seen him at the event, he kept reappearing in her life in some way or the other.

If it wasn't through Alvarez's texts or conversations, it was in some magazines or whatnots and now this?

Tears were already beginning to sting the back her eyes, the residue gathering as he continued to yell at her to leave.

"Are you freaking deaf?" He questioned, his voice booming through the room, and shaking Madison to the core as she began to crumble at the spot.

She was petrified, scared, and utterly embarrassed to say the least.

"I... what..." She began to murmur, looking around and seeing that they seemed to be causing small trouble, because the eyes of everyone in the club was on them.

After a few moments of silence as they stared at each other, she heard him hiss and call out thunderously, "Security!"

The reality of the situation began to dawn on Madison, and she began to think of what to do.

She couldn't let him throw her out of this place, because that would mean loosing her job, and she couldn't afford it because this was her major source of income at the moment. What would she do if he fired her now because of this? Where would she even go to? How would she start all over again?

Moreso letting go of this job meant she would no longer afford to pay for the dress in time, and she couldn't bear to think of that.

Tears spilled out her already swollen eyes, and dropping the tray in her hands on the nearby ranks, putting both hands together in a sign of plea, she started to say, "P-please...I beg you. It took me a while to finally find a good job here. A-and the paycheck is nice too. I had no idea you owned it, I just..." She paused to gather herself as her throat knotted, every single pride she had fleeing away as she continued, "I know you hate me, and don't want me in your life but I really need this job. Please I—"

"I don't give a fuck! I don't want to hear whatever lies you have to say anymore. I just need you out of!" He yelled out again, his eyes bloodshot red and from the look of things he was not moving back on his decision.

Madison's hand shook violently, as she placed it over her mouth. She was really going to lose the job, before she had even started.

All her thoughts of creating a lasting impression vanishing away, and even her pay for the night would be automatically cancelled that she knew, because she was not yet done with her rounds.

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