Chapter 75

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Madison felt her stomach churn.

Everything that was happening right now was mostly her fault, and suddenly she began to regret coming to the club in the first place.

A few steps away from her, she could see Gina staring at the men in horror, and as though Gina could sense her looking in her direction, she swiftly turned to Madison, quickly rushing to her side.

"M-Madison are you okay?" She asked, using her free hand to rub her back in circles, but Madison had stopped listening.

Her eyes had gone to the middle of the room where the men had gathered in a heated argument, and in her haze she had only remembered that someone had yelled at them, startling everyone, but she hadn't seen who it was.

No she had seen whom it was, but she didn't want to believe her eyes at all.

And again she caught sight of him... Of Damien and her eyes widened in disbelief.

What the hell was he doing here? She wondered, her disbelief slowly changing to anger and without thinking, she yanked her hand out of her friend's grip, straightening up as she began to walk towards him.

He was also coming to meet her, and soon they caught themselves at a crossroad, staring intently at each other.

"Mad..." He began to say but she cut him to it.

"What the hell do you think you're doing here?" She seethed, clenching her fists, "Why can't you ever just stay in your..."

Just the way she had interrupted his speech earlier, Damien paid no heed to her and he placed a hand on her shoulders his eyes looking at her from head to toe, as if he was checking for something probably injuries or whatsoever.

"What the hell... what... what are you doing?" She stuttered, trying to get his hands of her as she staggered back drunkenly but he didn't stop checking her without saying a word.

When he finally dropped his hands down from her shoulders, he then straightened and she opened her mouth to say something again but before she knew what was happening, he was out of her way.

Just like in the movies, because this was definitely not real, she watched as he rushed to the men who had harassed her earlier.

From the side of his face which she could see, she noted that his expression was contorted with a kind of rage she had never seen, and before she could even scream already having an inkling about what was going to happen, he had grabbed the first one forward by the collar, swinging his arm forward and connecting it to the man's jaw.

The sound of the man's nose cracking sent Madison reeling backwards in fright.

Blood spurted from the man's nose, and as he fell to the floor, Damien rushed the second guy, tackling him to the ground as he tried to run away.

"HOW DARE YOU!" Damien yelled, grabbing hold of the man's arm and twisting it at an awkward angle.

Madison held her hands to her ears in shock as the man's piercing screams mixed with the sound of his bones cracking filled the air, and tears started to stream down her face.

"Please stop!" She started to yell with all her might, taking steps towards Damien, and trying her best to stop the fight that was already erupting.

"Damien please stop!" She begged this time with a yell still, but he didn't listen and he continued to beat the men up in turns.

He was not listening at all, he never listened!

Blood had already begun to spill on the floor and even splashed on his face but still he continued to beat them up, while Madison watched in horror.

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