Chapter 114

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Head held high, wrists and feets clasped in handcuffs; still, Katherine slowly walked into the visiting room with two police officers leading her in.

Today was another visiting day, and her father had come yet again with another man, this time dressed in white lab coats, and she could already deduce who he was.

A medical practitioner. Maybe he'd come to give her the results of the tests they'd carried out on her some days ago, and at the painful reminder, she looked back up at her father, who was already standing up from his seat.

She tried to gauge his facial expression wanting to note if they had good or bad news, but the way he stared blankly at her gave nothing away.

Instantly a chill ran down her spine, and she forced herself to swallow huge chunks of saliva.

Never in her life had she felt scared like this.

The constant headaches that plagued her day and night, the thorough body ache she got whenever she did a little strenuous activity, and the way her vision got blurred most times when she was staring at something or someone for too long had her rethinking about her health.

She knew all these symptoms were signs of sickness, but what could it be?

Not to mention that she'd barely sniffed a line of cocaine in days, and now she was seeing things.

She was sexually and cocaine deprived, and this was probably the main reason why she was feeling like shit.

The doctor would have noted the traces of hard drugs in her blood since he took some that day, and well, if her father knew about it, then she would ask him to get some for her.

She knew he wouldn't refuse. He never refused her.

Smiling mischievously, she stopped walking, standing in front of him, "Hello, father."

"Hello, Katherine." He greeted her curtly, and she raised her brows in confusion when he did not attempt even to embrace or call her daughter.

She opened her mouth to speak, but before she could say a thing, the medical practitioner stretched his hand out towards her in greeting and said, "Hello, Miss Katherine. I'm Doctor Abraham."

"This is the doctor in charge of your medicals." Her father chimed in when the man finished talking, and Katherine looked from the doctor to back to him.

What was happening? Why was he sounding and being this cold to her? She wondered as a chill ran down her spine yet again.

"You may have your seat." The doctor said again, and something surprising happened.

Before she could take her seat, her father suddenly moved and pulled her into his arms, embracing her tightly.

"Daughter..." He called out, and Katherine could note how his voice broke amidst his whimpers.

"Father, what is going on?" She gently asked as he pulled away from her abruptly, but he didn't reply, instead pointing at her seat and urging her to sit down while he did the same.

If Katherine had been suspicious before, now her curiosity was more than piqued, and she could only wonder what her father was not telling her.

His behavior today was strange. Unlike how he usually was when he visited her in prison, and he was not with his lawyer today.

They'd been making significant progress in her case against Damien and Madison, and Katherine was a little confident that she might get the easy way out, but with what was happening today... Well, she didn't know what to say or believe again.

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