Chapter 15

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Damien's fingers moved feverishly over the keyboard of his computer, as he typed out all the information he needed for a project at hand.

He needed to forward it to his business partner as soon as possible, and he couldn't afford any delays at all.

He was supposed to have finished last night, but of course he had to entertain Katherine, who like always never got enough.

He had woken up as early as possible this morning, partly because he had to rush down to the office and finish up his work and partly because he also really didn't feel like talking to Kathrine first thing in the morning. He had a feeling that talking to her would put him in a bad mood, and he was doing his best to avoid that.

As he neared the last paragraph of the document he was writing, the office phone rang stalling him down for a while, and Putting it on hands-free, he listened as his secretary informed him that Mr Rudiger and the lawyer were here to see him.

Instantly, his fingers on the keyboard paused, as he said, "Let them in."

They only had one job, so if they were here this early then it surely had something to do with the Connors.

Trying to round up the file he was working on quickly, so he would be able to pay  attention to whatever they had to say, his fingers resumed their typing, and he finished just as they walked in.

Shutting his computer close, offering them seats right across his desk which they immediately too, Damien folded his arms across the table as he stared at them.

"Morning sir." They greeted in unison.

He was already beginning to get impatient, wanting them to belt out the details of their visit already, but he warned himself to calm down as he replied curtly, going straight to the point, "Morning. Were you able to get anything on them?"

To his surprise and relief, Mr Rudiger nodded promptly, "Yes. After some days of digging, we managed to coax a few people into giving us information, with some of the money you gave us."

Damien nodded.

That was the reason why he had given them the hefty cheque. People would always talk as long as there was money involved, and scrunching up his face in disgust, Damien's mind wandered back to the past when money had been his biggest problem, and how he had almost lost his life too.

Shaking his head slowly and discarding the thoughts, he furrowed his brows lightly as he listened to Mr Rudiger who continued talking.

"We were finally able to locate the current residence of the Connors."

Damien held his breath. Finally, the information he craved was here. After months of waiting, and searching irrelevantly.

"They still live in Kettlesworth, Birmingham. However, Mr Connor put his mansion on sale two years ago, and it must have been bought we have no idea about that. Now though they live in a two bedroom flat, it's rented property and amounts to quite a measly pay for rent."

Damien was taken aback for a few seconds, with what he just heard.

Yes, something bad had happened to them.

Something that warranted Madison, working menial jobs and waitressing here, but he didn't expect it to be so terrible that they would  move to a completely different place than what they were used to. And as tenants at that!

Wow! Just wow! He mused within himself, a smirk on his face as he exhaled in relief.

He felt like he could breathe properly now. 

Oh how the mighty have fallen, he thought smiling to himself.

This was progress, very good progress and he would make sure to dig into the root cause of whatever had made the Connors lived this way.

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