Chapter 37

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Once his lawyer called him in the early hours of the morning telling him that the deal was done and all there was left was to draft up a contract and deposit the payment, Damien had gotten out of bed in high spirits.

Finally, the day was here.

He still couldn't believe how good of an opportunity this was.

This was a major step in his revenge plan, and he was already imagining the look on Mr Connor's face when he found out that all the properties he had worked for all his life was now Damien's to do as he pleased.

For years he had waited for this day, and now it was finally here – Finally he had a leverage on the Connors.

Damien had a feeling today would go well and getting out of bed, he began to prepare for work. There was no rush today so he would take his time.

A few hours later he was done and ready.

He had already sorted out some of the work he needed to do before he left the house, so he would have time to draft the contract with his lawyer.

He still had an hour before the lawyer would arrive so he decided to continue working, taking care of his files and other important things.

Damien looked up from his seat when a knock sounded at his door, "Come in." He saw his secretary walk in, bowing her head a little and then offering her pleasantries.

"Mr Paul is here to see you, sir."

Damien cocked an eyebrow in surprise. So soon? Well, that was efficient.

"Let him in."

As soon as his secretary left, he moved all the files on the desk away to create space. The lawyer walked in a few seconds later, some documents in his hand.

"Morning, Mr Daniels," He greeted and nodding, Damien offered him a seat. He was already getting a little impatient, he needed to get on with it as soon as possible.

"Do you have everything we need?" Damien asked, stretching out his arm to receive the files Mr Paul had offered to him from across the desk, and the lawyer nodded positively in response.

Damien flicked his eyes over what was written one after the other, and shaking his head in satisfaction, he handed them back, "All that's left is to draft out a contract right?"

"Right." The lawyer nodded, "I have something here with me." He said, digging through the files and slipping out one of the documents, "This is a sample of a sales contract we can work from and add whatever we need to."

After Damien had gone through it, he handed it back with a nod. "Good work. Now, let's get to business." The lawyer nodded, moving the other files out of the way as they began to work. At intervals he would explain the legal consequences or the benefits of certain things in the contract and, Damien would nod as they continued.

There were two contracts for both properties, the processing factory and the estate where the family mansion was built upon, and Damien was soon to have both in his possession.

The processing factory... His heart clenched whenever he went through the contract concerning that particular building. A flashback of his father in a pool of his own blood filled his head, and shaking his head erratically he discarded the image, trying to forget about that sordid event. Well, it was just another reason for him to hate the Connors more.

After they had worked for a while, a knock sounded and his secretary walked in, "Excuse me, sir. I know you didn't want to be disturbed but Mr Rudiger is also here to see you."

Damien only nodded, waving her away and giving her the permission to let his private investigator in.

Soon after, Mr Rudiger walked into the office, and he offered greetings to both me in the room.

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