Chapter 60

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Damien checked his watch as he walked into the private air strip.

He still couldn't believe a week had passed so quickly. It flew by so fast that he barely noticed, and this was because he had spent most of it with his family.

After dinner with his mother the last time, she and his sister Layla had begged and convinced him to stay for a few more days, and he had agreed because he had nothing important to do.

It had been a while since he spent quality time with them, and he didn't regret his decision to stay back one bit.

Frankly speaking, the last week seemed to be the most fun days he'd had in months.

At his large apartment, when he came back from work he would just sit around with nothing to do, but with his family, they had kept him on his toes and busy always and he had enjoyed every moment.

He had felt human again, and even though he returned home few days later he still missed them, cherishing the time they'd spent. Now he vowed he would always make time to go see and spend some days with them. It did him good, with his mother's delicious delicacies being a nice bonus.

Today though, he was finally on his way to London, and since he'd gotten to the air strip on time, he was due to leave in about forty minutes.

Sighing, he took a seat under one of the canopies outside, overlooking his maintenance team doing the finishing touches his jet needed.

For some reason which he just couldn't put a name too, he began to feel very nervous and he began to rub both of his palms together.

This was no time to start having cold feet damn! He was going to that city for answers and that would be it, nothing more nothing less.

Trying to shake off the strange feeling in him, he took a sip of water from the bottle of water nearby and finishing the liquid contents in one gulp, he tossed the bottle into the trash when he was done drinking.

Just as he did, he saw Alvarez walk into the air strip with four other men who Damien assumed were his chosen security men for the trip and as they approached him, they simultaneously greeted him, while he nodded and waved them off.

As they left elsewhere to take their seats and wait for takeoff, Damien turned to face Alvarez.

Smiling widely at the sight of Damien, Alvarez moved forward to give him a hug.

"How are you feeling?" He asked, pulling away to study Damien's face and nodding Damien in turn replied, "Well, I'm a little bit curious. Don't know why."

His statement only made Alvarez smile wider.

"Curiosity is good, and you also have time to study yourself. Whatever you do though... just be careful. Don't do anything reckless, okay? I hope you find every answer you're looking for, and settle all this once and for all, so peace can reign."

Peace? Damien didn't think that word was likely, bearing in mind his situation with the Connors.

He wasn't out for peace with that bastard family that moulded him into this cold man he was today... No! He did want answers yes, but he was not on some peace making mission.

Instead he would get his answers, and exert his revenge and only then would he be calm.

The only person he could make peace with of course was Madison, and at the thought of her Damien's chest tightened.

Saying nothing at first, Damien just sighed and placed a hand on his friend's shoulder, "I hope so to. I promise to come back with all the information I need."

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