Chapter 71

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Damien stared at the rundown house in front of him through the tinted windows of his car.

It was the worst neighborhood he had ever been in, and instantly his mind went back to the place Madison had been staying in.

He had thought it was terrible, but this... he had no words for it. Dirt and refuse was littered in every corner, and all the flats in the neighborhood looked the exact same way, old and dilapidated.

Damien marveled at the difference between their old mansion, and this current residence. He still couldn't believe it, as it was even more terrible than he had expected.

As he continued to stare at the dump in front of him, he couldn't help but see the image of their old mansion in his head, and it was so much different from this.

Damien shook his head.

What if they had made a mistake? What if the description his investigator had given was wrong?

No matter how hard he tried he couldn't picture the mighty and proud Mr Connor living in this environment, as the version of the Connors he had from the past was still heavily plastered in his mind.

The only way he would get it out would be to actually see them in this poor condition, and he just couldn't wait to confirm his suspicions.

Shocked, Damien turned to his investigator who sat dutifully by his side, and asked before turning back to the dump to stare again, "Are you certain this is the right address? Recheck just to make sure."

Mr Rudiger nodded. "Yes sir. This is the right place, I have been here twice before to carry out the investigations and I've also seen them around here. I can't forget it."

Damien shuddered, as he came to the frank conclusion that this was real. It was so strange that he found it funny because he damn well remembered how high and mighty the Connors had lived.

Everyone had lived in fear and awe of Mr Connor, being the influential person that he was back then.

He had the power and the wealth, and his family had lived lavishly too, having everything that they ever needed. Who would have imagined that such a powerful family would end up in the gutters after a few year?

It was baffling yet satisfying for Damien to watch... to see the ruins they were in now. Those days when they would step all over everybody else because they felt they were better than them, but now they were reduced to the fucking litters.

They deserved everything they were going through right now, and like his mother had said some time, this was karma at its finest.

Shaking his head, Damien undid his seatbelt and opening the car door, he walked out carefully trying his best to avoid stepping in the refuse scattered about.

The stench of rotten food and fruits emanating from each corner, caused Damien to pinch his nose tightly in disgust, and watching his steps, he slowly made his way into the tiny compound, with his investigator by his side.

As they rounded the row of apartments, the investigator motioned to a lone brick house, "That's the Connors' home right there."

Damien giving a straight nod, straightened and then began to walk straight to it.

When he saw that Mr Rudiger was by his side, he paused and faced him, "I'm sorry but I'll love to do this with no one by my side. I wish to go alone. You can wait for me by the gates."

He wanted to be alone when he confronted the Connors, and he wanted to revel and bask at the same time in their shock and shame.

He had been waiting for this moment for years, and it was something he needed to do on his own. The presence of a third party would only be distracting, and he just didn't want that now.

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