🦋-"A blackmailed cheater is still a cheater"

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Chapter 32:Becoming

I honestly didn't want to come to work today i am nauseas.Today the pregnancy symptoms came at me hard , it's like this baby just wanted to remind me of its existance.The receptionist calls me to tell me that there is a visitor for me and the last person i expected was umama ka Stembiso ,i hope she's  not here to try speak for his son knowing very well she's also not in my good books.
"MaZungu" she says making herself comfortable and sitting down on the car opposite mine.
"Yebo kunjani(how are you)"
"Ai kuyaphileka ,i just wanted to check on you after last nights mess"
"yebo ,you know your husband loves you MaZungu he would never cheat on you"
I look at woman ,is she dumb , deaf maybe , blind maybe.
"But he did mama"
"He was blackmailed "
I chuckle ,really blackmailed is that what we going with.
"MaZungu , Zandile blackmailed Stembiso , she told him she will tell you about your parents if he doesn't sleep with him"
"That still doesn't make it okay , he cheated"
"I know ,i just wanted to tell you that Stembiso didn't mean for this to happen"
She stands up ,takes her bag and leaves.Honestly i have had enough of Zandile , she is getting on my last nerve i tell you and Stembiso , why didn't he just come clean now he has gotten this bitch pregnant.
"So i was thinking we go party tonight, what do you think Busi"-Khaya
I look at him .
"No thank you ,i just want to sleep"
"yho bor-ing "-Khaya
"Friend i think we should go ,you need it"-Kgotatso
"No guys i am okay , plus with this baby i can't drink"
"About the baby ,how did my brother take it"
I look at him and take a sip of my orange juice.
"No bitch , why didn't you tell him"
" Khaya please ,i will tell him when i am ready"
He looks at me with the  disaproving look but i don't care .This brother did me wrong here , he cheated and is expecting a baby with his ex wife he must just chill.
"I understand friend and you are a better person than me cause if i found out Dave made someone that is not me pregnant , i am poisoning the bitch"
I look at her , and look at my drink again without saying anything.

Becoming Busisiwe Zungu Where stories live. Discover now