🦋-"The Bosslady"

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Chapter 49:Becoming

Whew where do i even begin , well My husband got out of Coma 3 weeks back but had what the doctors call Syphonic Throwback  and has not woken up. I miss him so bad and i know Khanye misses her daddy so bad.Lately most of the time she is either with her Grandma or Aunty Kgotatso.
I have taken over his side of the gun business and his right hand man Saint has been helping me , this past month saint has been training me on and how to interact with the Russians that purchase the guns.
Honestly this is all scary but i remind myself that im doing this  for my husband and daughter.
Saint is searching for the people that shot my husband and when i find them , i have to teach them a lesson , they messed with the wrongs womens husband.
Today is the day , im having a meeting with the Russians and boy am i so terrified.
I get a message from Saint saying that he is outside and i look at my self in the mirror ,take a deep breath in and out and get out the house.
"You look nervous" he says focusing on the driving.
I sigh
"I am actually"
"Well i don't know how you going to do it but try hiding it ,we don't want those old men seeing that now do we" he says
I sigh.
What am i doing mara ye?
Russians?, I've never even met a Russian person before.
He switches of his engine when he arrives at the 'secret location' and turns to look at me.
"I  found the person that was trying to kill boss man"
"What-Who is it"
"I'll take you to him after this, remember boss lady , don't show any sign of fear"
He holds my hand that was on my tigh.
"you'll do good"

Becoming Busisiwe Zungu Where stories live. Discover now