I - Lights Out

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 Waking up at any given time for about three hours didn't get me much privileges in the real world

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Waking up at any given time for about three hours didn't get me much privileges in the real world. I wasn't able to hold jobs very well, except for those I could attend whenever I wanted, however I wanted. Which was rare.

I didn't have much time to graduate either, having to learn 3-4 hours a day by myself what school should've taught me, before falling asleep on my bed, desk, floor, bathroom, kitchen, a café, a park-
The list doesn't really stop. It seems endless.
I could sleep always, anywhere.
Yet I know that I shouldn't and I force myself to wake up, build my little waking world until the lights go out once more.

I don't really have anyone to impress. Not even my parents. Which did make me lucky, I guess.
So, what truly kept me alive, were my dreams. The castle I'd once visited. The bridge I'd stand on when I felt sad.
I could jump from it whenever I pleased, nothing would happen to me.

I'd land in smooth water, watch creatures unknown to earth's reality circle me.

They could turn into nightmares, or they would remain dreams. I would see pirates ships crash against waves. Hear elves giggle over woods crowns. It seemed like a different sort of reality and I could revisit it as much as I pleased.

Once, I dreamed long enough to reach the castle doors, enter the halls and visit a library so huge, I'd get lost.
I sat there for about two hours, before my time was over. Since then, I teleported my conscious more aware of my dreamland.

Except for that one time I entered a rotten cemetery. Which wasn't as bad as it sounds.

When I woke this day, it was close to 6pm in the evening. Adding three hours, I had time to work and call my parents until 9pm short.
I stood up on shaky legs, getting myself a mug of coffee from the kitchen. I could drink gallons, it was to no use. But the fantasy never left me.

My apartment was small. It could've been a storage room. I didn't mind. At least I wasn't living at my parents house.
I searched for my phone a good ten minutes, staring at nothing for half of the time, before finally dialing their numbers. It luckily only beeped two times, or they would've catched me in another trance.
"Sweetie? Are you awake?" Not really. I took a big sip of my hot coffee, burning my tongue in the process.
"I just woke up. How are you and dad?"

I drowned the hot liquid in the sink, watching it disappear down the black in a whirl. I overheard what she'd said, only catching a few words out of context. Your father. Yesterday. Good. "That's great mom." It is. They're good.

"Yes, anyways, tell me you've been outside this week." I rolled my eyes, sitting down on my bed, standing up immediately after.
"I'm doing good mom. I just went outside the other day." Lies. I didn't even know what day it was. Last time I went out was for food and that was some Friday ago.

"That's amazing! And don't forget to open your windows today. It shouldn't be all stuffy when you sleep. You know, if you don't air the room enough, you-"

"Mom, I know. Don't worry. Could I speak to dad?" I looked back at the clock. 2 hours and 30 minutes left. She agreed and I heard silent talk on the other line, until a deeper voice appeared.

"Lita? How are you doing?" I relaxed a bit, searching the cabinets for some cereal. I shouldn't go out of fuel.
"I'm good. Just wanted to check in. I'm making myself cereal."
It was unnecessary, but it was something.
"That's nice. What did you dream about?"

A tired smile crept over my lips, making my heart jump in content. My father always asked me about my dreams. My own reality. My mother said not to encourage my sleeping disease, but there was no encouraging needed. It was a condition after all.

"I was in the library again. The one in the castle. It was huge." I laughed quietly to myself. "Well, did you read anything?" I shook my head as I grabbed myself some milk from the refrigerator. My father had to feel it, because he kept talking. "Well, what else could you possibly do in a library?" I wanted to tell him that I met a new friend, but I couldn't possibly say that to him, that's why I altered it.

"I pictured this gentleman with a pumpkin head. He was nice. Strict, but nice." "Did you watch that one movie with the Skelton man?" Of course he thought I had it from a movie. Maybe I did. At least he didn't judge me.
"Could be. I don't know." I stared down the sink again. A few seconds of quiet passed and I listened to my father whisper to my mother. I couldn't make out what it was.

"Okay, uhm, I'll call you again tomorrow." I said, letting them both say their sweet goodbyes, sending phone kisses. I glanced back at the watch. Two hours and twenty minutes. I yawned, getting over to my laptop, heaving it up to my lap as I sat down on the most uncomfortable chair I could've purchased. Perfect. I typed in both my password and my user name, logging into the industries main account.

My job was to read lots of different articles and source material needed for meetings I didn't care about, summ them up in short bullet points for people with real positions to form fast conclusions. It was the perfect job for me because I was granted a week to read the articles whenever I wanted, not because it was one of the most boring things ever.

Some articles and sources I came across were interesting, but never interesting enough to make up for the rest. So now I summed up an article about showerheads. And I couldn't wait to close my eyes.

I picked up my cereal as I read, shoving it into my mouth, until my spoon scratched against the porcelain bowl and I looked down at an empty space. When I looked back at the clock, two hours had passed. Which meant I'd get more tired in about 20 minutes.

I shut the laptop down, getting into a quick shower. I opened the windows for the time I had left, but I forgot to close them when I sat in bed, my eyelids getting heavier and heavier. So heavy, I couldn't hold them up anymore. I fell to the side, my body suddenly lifeless, a deep sigh escaping from within my throat.

Lights out.


Hello and welcome to this fanfic <3 I hope I'm not boring you yet, this was just a short insight into Lolita's daily life. Dw, we'll get to see Mr. Dreamy soon ;)

Love, Author ♡



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