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"Tony what the fuck!"

Sasha leapt out of her bed with a shriek when she opened her eyes and saw Tony sat in an armchair by the window of her hotel room.

He screamed back in retaliation, laughing to himself as he watched her place a hand on her chest to calm her heart rate once she realised that he wasn't an actual intruder.

"What the hell are you doing in my hotel room? How did you get in here?"

Sitting back down on the edge of the bed, Sasha ran her fingers through her hair, combing out the knots from a restless nights sleep. Her eyes felt heavy and her mind clouded, almost like she'd not slept at all, though she clearly had since she had no memory of Tony coming into her room.

"I got here late last night, you remember I called you? I met your colleague, Carter, down in the lobby. He told me you'd gone to bed early and you'd asked him to give me the key when I arrived."

Tony hadn't slept all night. He'd been sat in the uncomfortable armchair by the window for six hours while Sasha tossed and turned in bed. He'd tried to fall asleep but anxiety in the pit of his stomach made it impossible for him to relax enough to drift off, meaning he had little to do until Sasha finally opened her eyes.

"Right, yeah," Sasha sighed, rubbing her hands over her face with a yawn, "I'm sorry. I forgot, my mind is kinda all over the place right now."

Tony just shook his head, rising to his feet, "It's alright. Listen I'm gonna go downstairs and grab us a couple of coffees, why don't you get a shower, alright? I'll be back soon."

Taking his suggestion, Sasha jumped into the shower once Tony had left. She felt strangely numb, despite the devastating and quite frankly life-changing news that had hit her yesterday.

Sasha wasn't sure whether it was her subconscious way of coping to shut off her emotions and filter out any feeling whenever something traumatising happened to her, but that seemed to be the case each time it had happened before.

She rinsed away the stress of yesterday and pulled on some clean clothes, tying her hair up into a ponytail and cleaning her face, getting rid of the mascara stains from beneath her eyes.

The Fall weather and lack of sunshine has lightened her skin, making almost all of the freckles on her face disappear. She looked pale, tired and defeated, almost unable to recognise herself as she gazed at her reflection in the bathroom mirror.

Sasha had never been one to give up, but it seemed like the universe kept throwing obstacles into her path and although she prided herself on overcoming every single one, she wasn't sure how much more loss she could take.

"One Americano, no milk. You look like you need all the caffeine you can get, no offence. And a croissant, you need to eat."

Tony placed down two cups of coffee and two pastries on the table by the window, sitting down in the chair opposite Sasha. She had her legs pulled up under her chin and her arms wrapped around herself, staring out at the ocean.

He sighed, tilting his head to try and catch her eye, "Hey, let's finish this and go for a walk, sound good?"

Sasha eventually gave him a weak smile before taking a sip of her coffee. He could see the ruin behind her eyes and it made his heart hurt inside his chest, wishing he could only ever see her with a smile on her face.

The two of them finished their breakfast and headed out of the hotel, walking down a beaten track towards the beach. Sasha was wrapped in a black fur coat and grey scarf while Tony pretended he wasn't cold in the face of the sea breeze with just a jacket.

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