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Insane was how Sasha felt as she raced down the freeway back towards the carnage that was New York City. Cars were piled up in lines of endless traffic on the other side of the road while she drove with her foot flat to the floor on empty tarmac in the direction of what looked like a war zone.

People in cars on the opposite side of the road waved at her to turn back, staring with wide eyes at the speed the Lamborghini's wheels were turning at, a trail of dust clouding behind her as she passed by them all, not even so much as a second of hesitation in her actions.

She'd tried and failed to call Peter almost fifteen times by the time she finally reached the outskirts of the city. Roads were blocked off and there was no choice but to leave the car down a back alley and go on foot.

With her phone by her ear and another dial tone ringing deafeningly loudly, Sasha locked her car and took off in the direction of the Stark Tower. She realised that was quite possibly the worst place to go in the entirety of the city, but also knew that was the most likely place Peter would go if he needed help.

The carnage seemed to be taking place on the other side of town, meaning that Sasha darted between falling street signs and rumblings of the road beneath her feet with somewhat ease, making it to the Stark Tower with breathless lungs and flushed cheeks.

Buildings that were halfway under construction from the last attack were demolished, taking down everything around them, too. It was a sight that was unfortunately not new to Sasha by that point, though jerked tears in her pale eyes nevertheless as the common theme of dramatic loss unloaded itself onto her life yet again.

Pushing open the doors, Sasha pulled out a keycard Tony had given her to access the rest of the building. The lobby was empty an unscathed so far, though as she began to ascend the staircase instead of taking the elevator, she ran into a familiar face.

"Sasha, what the Hell are you doing here?"

Happy was on his way down the stairs with a panic-stricken expression on his face and pure fear behind the whites of his eyes. He was on edge, naturally, and the fear he radiated began to rub off onto Sasha as her recent neglect to the emotions of the world began to shift.

"Peter," she said, "I came back for Peter."

"Come with me."

Hot on his heels, Sasha followed Happy downstairs to the garage, jumping in the passenger seat of a black 4x4.

"You know the roads out of the city are pretty much gridlocked, right? And there's blockages all over town?"

"We're not going out of the city. Put your seatbelt on."

Sasha did as she was told as Happy tapped into the AI system in the vehicle, the engine roaring to life as they sped out of the garage and up a ramp onto the street level, a huge, grey shadow falling across the road before them, plunging them into darkness.

Peering her head out of the window, Sasha saw the same mechanical beast close up that she'd seen from the cemetery, still not being able to fathom what exactly it was that she was looking at, only now feeling genuinely scared for her life as the sheer size of it registered in her brain.

"Give me a location on the kid."

"The current location of Peter Parker is the following coordinates."

The AI on the dashboard focused in on a trajectory map of the city with a red blinking square over the Brooklyn Bridge, Peter's name in white writing beside it.

"We have to help him, he said he's with some others but how do we know if they're on the right side? Peter, h-he's very trusting and-"

"Others?" Happy interjected as he sped through the barren streets of New York, the thick tyres of the four-wheel drive hauling them over any debris and action, "Who did he say?"

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