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It was a piercing shriek and a flash of lightning illuminating the sky outside that broke apart the gaze Tony and Sasha were holding between themselves. A moment in a world made for two was torn apart by an explosion that shook the chandeliers hanging from the ceiling and flung glasses and plates from tables, sending the guests into a state of panic.

"Tony, what's going on?"

Tony's eyes were darting to every window in the building, watching as more lightning flooded the sky with purple, followed by orange flames and more ground-shaking crashes.

Sasha was clinging to Tony like a child, his arms now all the way around her waist, holding her against him tightly. He pulled his glasses from his pocket and placed them over his eyes, turning to look down at Sasha.

Her eyes were filled with terror and worry, looking up at him as if he was her only source of comfort in a room filled with screaming and shouting, men and women running out of doors and down flights of stairs to try and find safety.

"I'm sorry," he said quietly, his heart breaking knowing he had to leave her, "I have to go, I'm so sorry. You'll be alright, I promise."

"Tony please," she begged, grabbing hold of his hands with a quivering bottom lip, "Please don't go."

He swallowed a lump in his throat, furrowing his brows and blinking quickly to wash away the glossy tears that glazed over his eyes all of a sudden, his heart hurting at the thought of walking out the door into destruction without knowing she'd be safe.

"Hey, Taylor, over here!" Tony called out, beckoning Ryan Taylor over to him with a wave of his hand, "You look after her, keep her safe. You don't go outside until it's silent, you understand me? Under no circumstances do you step foot outside that door."

Ryan just nodded, his face flushed with panic and his shoulders cowering inward, wincing with every bang and crash that shook the walls of the old building.

"It's alright," Tony said, nodding in false reassurance at Sasha who had spilled a handful of tears, her hands still clutching Tony's with every fibre of her being, "Ryan will keep you safe."

Sasha knew there was no bargaining with Tony, realising that he had to go regardless of anything she said to him in that moment. She just prayed to every God that he would make it home safely, not caring about anything else.

"OK," she whispered shakily, wiping a tear from her eye with the back of her knuckles, "Please just, just be careful, Tony."

He nodded, swallowing hard once more as he felt his heart twist painfully inside his chest. With one hand on the side of her face, Tony pressed his lips to Sasha's forehead before mumbling something to Ryan, turning on his heels and heading towards the front door. A swipe of his watch covered his body in red and gold armour within a matter of seconds, and then he was gone.

Ryan, Sasha and a handful of other people that hadn't already fled the building in a fight or flight panic stayed behind a thick iron door, clearly once a vault though was now a wine cellar.

Sasha paced the small space for what felt like days, walking back and forth while others sat with their knees huddled to their chest, some crying, some emotionless.

She was unable to think of anything but the way she felt as she realised Tony was going to kiss her. The way he looked at her set her insides on fire, cleared her mind and took her breath from her lungs. Sasha enjoyed the way his hands felt on her waist and enjoyed even more how gentle his fingertips were against her skin, though she was still stuck only being able to dream about how his lips would feel against her own.

Sasha wasn't sure whether she liked Tony in that way, her feelings pulling her in every possible direction apart from towards a convincing answer. Confused between lust and something deeper, Sasha's mind was racing at a million miles per hour, wondering whether Tony was just as confused as she was.

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