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"You know what, I actually think that's the one."

Standing on a pedestal in front of an intimidatingly large mirror, Sasha huffed with a roll of her eyes as she stared at Natasha who was sat sipping champagne on the velvet couch in front of her.

"Nat, you've said that about every single one."

Sasha was incredibly grateful that Natasha had agreed to come wedding dress shopping with her. When she'd accepted Tony's proposal the idea of actually buying a wedding dress never crossed her mind, in fact, actually getting married never crossed her mind.

She was still in disbelief that she was even alive after everything that happened, and that she was still in a happy relationship with Tony. The obscene thought of marrying him seemed like a fever dream, something that was insinuated by the ring on her finger but would never actually become a reality.

For some reason, Sasha couldn't imagine herself walking down the aisle towards him. It wasn't because she didn't want to marry Tony, because she absolutely did, but whenever she closed her eyes and tried to picture their wedding day, her mind drew a blank.

Trying on wedding dresses at Kleinfeld had had little affect on her imagination, too. As Sasha stared at her reflection in the sixth dress she'd tried on that day, she was still unable to incision Tony looking at her with the eyes of a man besotted, leaving her feeling rather defeated about the whole day.

Marriage had never been a concept that was on the top of Sasha's todo list, and it had fallen even further down the ranks after losing her parents and her brother. She thought that the loss of her only family was perhaps the reason she struggled to find the happiness and excitement in anticipation of her wedding day that she thought she should have, which perhaps also dulled the tone of all the planning and preparations, too.

Sasha felt incredibly guilty that she wasn't as excited as it seemed like everybody else was for her wedding. Steve and the other Avengers were constantly asking for updates about the wedding, wanting go know details from the venue right down to the flower arrangements. Sasha guessed it was because there hadn't been a wedding in the team for a long time, but also because it was the first big celebration since they had finally rid the universe of any threat, giving everybody the promise of a safer future.

As much as a blessing that was, Sasha felt the pressure. Sure, it was Tony and her day, but the bride also began to feel an obligation to make sure everybody else enjoyed themselves as much as possible, catering to everyone's needs and listening to everyone's suggestions, her mind slowly but surely becoming sick to death of wedding talk.

Sasha loved Tony more than she could ever put into words, and although a wedding was supposed to be the ultimate way to signify that feeling and devotion, the whole thing had a daunting feeling attached to it.

"Yeah, because you look gorgeous in every single one. Can you not see it?" Natasha replied.

Sasha did feel pretty in some of the dresses she'd tried on that Saturday afternoon, but she hadn't felt like a bride in any of them. Being the perfectionist that she was meant that finding the one was proving to be a near impossible task for the sales assistant.

"It's just not me, it doesn't feel right, you know?"

Nat pursed her lips before placing her glass of champagne down and heading over to a rack of dresses by the window. She began flicking through the gowns while Sasha seized the opportunity to sit down herself for a few moments and have a sip of her own champagne that she hadn't had chance to touch yet.

Life had felt like a whirlwind ever since she'd narrowly escaped death. Sasha had taken the time to recover with relentless care from Tony, but her return to work had drawn the days out longer than they were before and filled her weekends with a packed schedule to fit in spending time with Tony as well as friends like Peter, and dropping in to O'Shea's to see Robbie.

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