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"I told him I didn't want a birthday party, but he convinced me by saying that it's our engagement party that just so happens to fall on my birthday. There's no talking him out of something once he's got his mind set on it."

New York City was covered in a thick blanket of glistening snow by the time December 23rd rolled around. Christmas was in the air and so was joy, everyone important to Sasha and Tony had gathered at the Stark Tower to celebrate not only Sasha's thirty-first birthday, but the huge ring on her finger, too.

"He doesn't care about the engagement party," Natasha shook her head, one leg crossed over the other as she sipped a martini, "He just wants to celebrate you."

Sasha felt herself blush and shook her head, a small smile playing on her lips at the thought of everyone knowing just how head over heels in love with her Tony really was.

She glanced across the room and let her eyes fall onto him. He was stood with Rhodey, the two of them having what appeared to be a deep conversation with Rhodey's hand landing on Tony's shoulder in affection, the two of them exchanging heartfelt smiles before embracing each other.

It was only when Tony caught his fiancée's eye from across the room and sent her a wink before returning to his conversation that Sasha felt her insides flutter. He constantly had her attention, whether he knew it or not, she was always fixated on him.

The party had been going strong for a couple of hours by that time and most of the guests were well on their way to being drunk, which was the aim for a multi-celebration party, especially one that fell so close to Christmas.

"Rogers incoming," Nat smirked as she looked past Sasha's shoulders at Steve approaching them before rising to her feet, "I'm gonna go find Banner, I'll catch you later."

Standing by Sasha's side, Steve held out a freshly shaken martini with a single olive in, a smile served on the side. Sasha took it gratefully before accepting his outstretched hand, the super soldier pulling her to her feet.

"Wanna get some air?"


Sasha followed Steve out onto the terrace, red light from the heaters kept the handful of smokers on the deck warm enough, though Sasha still shivered when she felt the bitter breeze.

"Here," Steve said, placing his drink down and shrugging off his blazer before draping it over Sasha's shoulders, "Better?"

"My legs are still a little cold," she grinned, both of them glancing down at her bronzed legs, bare from the mid-thigh where her white mini dress cut off.

"I'm not giving you my pants, I'm sorry."

They both laughed together as they looked out at the metropolis below them, a festive red and green swirl of light that only glowed at that time of year made Sasha begin to feel excited for Christmas, a stark contrast to the way she'd felt about the holiday last year.

A lot had changed in the last twelve months, though somehow not as much as they had in the last three. Sasha found it difficult to imagine her life without Tony, wondering how she ever thought she could wake up day after day without being able to love him the way he deserved to be loved, both angry with herself for wasting time apart, yet happy they now had eternity to spend together.

"You're happy, aren't you? Promise me?"

Sasha glanced up at Steve, her lips curving upwards at the way his eyes softened as he looked at her. He had proven himself to be a good friend to her since the day they'd met, only ever caring about her with the purest of intentions. Sure, they'd strayed off the path many moons ago, but Sasha didn't regret what had happened between them, especially not because of where she'd ended up as a result.

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