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Tony was exhausted. His body ached and his mind was shutting down the longer he was forced to keep his eyes open. Pure, unfiltered adrenaline was the only thing keeping his muscles moving. That, and the tiny letter S engraved onto the inside of the armour on his left wrist.

The Avengers been gone from earth for two weeks by the time Tony finally realised how drained he really was, the initial anxiety and panic of facing the unknown in the unknown had been acting as the ultimate distraction from his true physical and mental well-being.

He wasn't sure what day it was when the ship finally departed from the planet they had been on, sending the team hurtling through space at an incomprehensible speed. Tony didn't know what he'd just fought and killed, but he had narrowly escaped his own death more times than he cared to keep count of over the past fourteen days, a statistic that even if he did know, he certainly wouldn't be telling Sasha.

There wasn't a word strong enough to describe how much Tony missed Sasha. She'd been on his mind constantly since leaving Earth, acting as a motivation to keep going every day, knowing that seeing her face again would make everything that he and the team were going through worth it.

It was a blessing in a way that Tony was unable to contact Sasha. He'd have done anything to be able to speak to her in the first few days after leaving, but he soon realised that all a few short phone calls would've done was make the pain and worry worse for both of them.

"Tony! Tony! Come back here, let me take a look at that cut on your head, man."

"I told you, I'm fine."

The ship had just took off when Tony stormed away from his colleagues, blood trickling down the side of his face and bruises turning black beneath his eyes.

"It's a nasty cut, Tony, just let me see it."

Bruce was the first to chase Tony's heels, running to catch up with the man who's face was like thunder and fists were balled, knuckles white.

"It's fine, alright?" Tony stopped and wiped the blood away with the back of his hand, "See?"

Bruce rolled his eyes, continuing to walk after his friend while the others followed suit not far behind.

"Sasha would want you to get it checked, Tony, you know she would."

There was a twang of instant regret in his chest after Bruce spoke, wincing for a split second as Tony stopped dead in his tracks, pausing before spinning round on his heels with narrowed eyes.

"What did you just say?" He said with a venomous tone.

Bruce gulped, the silence from the other Avengers behind him letting him know that everyone had heard. He took a deep breath and let his shoulders fall, shrugging once before tilting his head with apologetically kind eyes.

"Come on, Tony, give it up. I know, we all know, at least I think we all do?" Looking over his shoulders for back up from everyone else, Bruce was met with blank expressions and continual silence, "Just let me treat that cut, alright?"

Tony's eyes flickered between Bruce and the others behind him. His team weren't the easiest of people to read and in that moment, had award-worthy poker faces that made even him begin to feel vulnerable, despising the sensation that something he thought was sacred was in fact common knowledge.


Pushing aside reluctancy, Bruce and Tony headed into one of the back rooms, Bruce kicking the door closed behind him as Tony perched on the edge of the table, dusting his hands on his trousers and wiping dirt from his eyes.

Lamborghini | Tony StarkHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin