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Golden hour was Sasha's favourite time of day, especially during the summer. Blissful sunshine rained down in perfect beams from above, casting halo shimmers across white sand and blue water that lapped against the shore in a peaceful rhythm.

She had felt drawn to the state of Maine and it's beautiful coastline since her very first visit, unable to forget about the way the place made her feel. She loved her hometown of Boston and perhaps loved New York City even more so, but the beaches of Maine and it's grey winter days that went hand in hand with hot summer nights made it feel like home.

Sasha and Tony hadn't officially made Maine their permanent residence, but a holiday house just a short walk away from the shoreline made for a perfect getaway for them when they needed time away from the hustle and bustle of New York.

They had debated leaving the city for a while, though when it came down to it, the couple decided to stay. New York held far too many memories for them to pack up and leave, some good and some bad, but it was a place that had brought them together.

As much as Sasha liked the idea of living a tranquil, quiet life on the coast, she knew in herself that she was a city girl at heart, never being able to enjoy the bliss of doing nothing for too long. Tony was very much the same, and although he too enjoyed toying with the thought of leaving behind his tools, suits and his business, all of those things were at the very core of who he was, and who Sasha loved.

And despite the fact that they knew they had everything they'd ever need in each other, neither of them wanted to part with their friends who had become family in New York. Sasha still worked tirelessly at the law firm, winning cases with more conviction and power with each year that passed by. She'd taken a step back, though, leaving her laptop in the office on the weekends to prioritise time with family and friends, and for herself, too.

Tony enjoyed going to baseball games with Bruce on Saturday afternoons while Sasha took the time to make a trip to a spa with Nat or grab coffee with Steve, often having lunch with Peter, too. The pair had seemingly struck a perfect balance of how to spend their time, enjoying Saturday evenings together in expensive Manhattan bars or driving out of the city on a Sunday for a long walk.

They never stopped dating, Tony always surprising Sasha with a homecooked dinner under candlelight or with a weekend away in Paris or Rome. They had slowly started to see more of the world together and as Sasha grew older, she grew wiser, too, everyday affirming her decision to love Tony more and more.

They had it all, the universe at their fingertips that was forged from the steel foundations of undying love and hard work, knowing exactly how much blood, sweat and tears they'd both put into being able to be together, and knowing that the same hard work had to continue for their love to last.

The thing was, it didn't feel  like hard work anymore. Tony loved making Sasha feeling special and in turn, Sasha thrived off seeing her husband smile, whether it was because she'd brought home a case of his favourite beer or because she'd surprised him with tickets to a concert he'd been talking about. Together, they made it all so easy, only falling deeper in love by the day.

Over the six years of being married, it felt like nothing had changed. They were still two souls bound by love, laughing together over jokes that nobody else would find funny and staying up late at night talking about things that made no sense. They still liked spending evenings on the terrace of the Stark Tower, gazing up at a cloudless sky illuminated by a crystal moon and diamond stars, only now, the moment was shared between four instead of two.

''Cole Phillip Stark are you eating ice cream before dinner?''

Sasha chuckled to herself quietly as she heard Tony shouting at their son from the kitchen of their holiday home, shaking her head with a smile playing on her lips. She was rocking gently back and forth on a swing hung from the roof of the porch, sandy white wood making up a deck that overlooked a lush green backyard just a stones throw away from the beach.

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