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"If you don't wanna go, just say the word. I'll tell them I'm sick or something and we can start that TV series you keep talking about."

Two months had passed. Sasha had started a phased return to work, the term work being used loosely. She was commuting to and from the office every day the same way she was before her injuries, only now she was having to re-learn everything she'd forgotten, which was difficult when she didn't know what it was that she'd forgotten.

Thankfully, her boss Ryan and other colleagues were more than helpful, revisiting old cases to help jog her memory and fill in any gaps that became apparent.

Sasha instantly felt better the minute she stepped foot back into the office. She'd driven her car across town to work that first morning and worn her favourite suit, her hair and makeup just as flawless as it always had been, though a nervous smile was painted on her lips where usually, a coffee cup would hide her expression.

Having a purpose and a passion was what fuelled Sasha. She felt like she was wasting away being sat at home while she recovered, and although she loved spending all the time in the world with Tony, she missed her job.

Tony couldn't remember seeing Sasha in a better mood than the one she was in the night she returned home from her first day back at work. He'd been busy himself that day, but had finished up early to make sure he had dinner on the table ready for her when she walked through the door, as well as a fresh bunch of roses sitting in a vase.

She spoke without barely pausing to breathe for thirty minutes, telling him every small detail about her day while grinning ear to ear, her eyes and cheeks glowing with clear passion as she talked. Tony found himself hearing white noise as he listened to her, captivated by how animated she became talking about what she loved.

Since then, they'd fallen into a routine of Sasha's hours growing slowly by the day and Tony being the one to cook dinner while she made her way home. He didn't mind, finding providing for Sasha fulfilling, enjoying seeing the way she would drop her bag and shoes by the door and immediately kiss him as soon as she walked in every day.

She still had moments of hardship, times when she'd cry with frustration over not being able to recall memories and moments other people talked and laughed about, though Tony was always by her side to calm her down.

He still felt guilty, though helping piece her memories back together had slowly began to chip away at the guilt consuming his heart, allowing them both to move on, together.

"No I want to go, honestly. I'm just not a huge fan of this dress."

Sasha pulled a face as she looked at her reflection in the full length mirror in her dressing room. She was wearing a backless black dress with crystal piping and a rhinestone collar, a large diamond pendant hanging from her neck with matching earrings and a white faced Rolex.

"Which dress did you go for?" Tony called out, walking from the bedroom into the dressing room, "I like it, beautiful. Like a jazzy funeral outfit."

Sasha spun round on her heels with a disapproving look on her face, glaring at Tony who was buttoning up his dress shirt in the doorway. He was laughing to himself with a smug smile as he approached her, tucking the shirt into his trousers before giving Sasha a kiss on the forehead.

"I'm kidding," he said, "The dress is beautiful, you are beautiful."

Sasha just rolled her eyes, blushing ever so slightly as she pulled out the curlers she'd left in her hair and ran a comb through them, spritzing some hair spray across her dark waves.

That night, The Avengers were having a get together to celebrate Peter officially joining the team. There had been no other threats to Earth since that day on the bridge, and according to Tony, things were all well and good in their galaxy for the time being. Sasha wasn't sure if she believed him, but she chose to anyway, enjoying the idea of not having to let him go again anytime soon.

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