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Trusting Tony had turned out to be the best thing Sasha ever did. Two months had passed since her slight stumble over the possible future of their relationship and now safely into the hands of Spring, it wasn't just the flowers in parks and leave on trees that were blossoming, it was the foundations of an eternal love, too.

Although work made the days long, the evenings always seemed to fly by whenever Sasha walked out of the office. Sometimes Tony would be stood on the street corner with a bunch of flowers ready to take her to dinner and other times, she'd walk though the door to her apartment and he'd have candles lit across the entire place and two plates of spaghetti ready and waiting for her.

He was a man of his word, and although it had taken deep strength from within for Sasha to believe that things could work, she was grateful that she took the leap.

Tony worked relentlessly hard both with The Avengers and at his relationship with Sasha, somehow managing to balance both things perfectly. It didn't matter whether he was exhausted and dead on his feet from jet lag, there wasn't anything that would stop him from walking across the city to Sasha's apartment to see her, even if all they did was exchange a handful of words and fall asleep in one another's arms.

Things were good. They lived for weekends together where they'd take walks around Central Park or grab drinks in a dive bar until the early hours of Sunday morning. They cooked together and baked cupcakes, binge watched TV shows that at first, Tony rolled his eyes at, though quickly became overly obsessed with.

The two of them slowly became inseparable and it became harder to hide their relationship from their friends. They had still managed to avoid tabloids by some stroke of a miracle, but they both knew it was only a matter of time before Tony became unable to stop himself from stealing a quick kiss in front of the lens of a paparazzi flash.

As safe as Sasha felt being in a relationship with Tony, she still wasn't sure that letting the rest of the world know was the right thing to do. There were three little words that neither of them had said aloud to the other yet, both of them waiting for the right time. It was obvious, Sasha knew that she loved Tony and she'd known for a while that he was head over heels for her, but both of them had their own reasons to hold off saying such heavy words.

Until those words had been exchanged, Sasha and Tony were happy to stay living inside their own little world, falling in love slowly but surely without the pressure of billions of eyes on them.

It was a Friday night when Sasha somehow managed to finish all her work for the day by four-thirty. It might've had something to do with the fact she worked until eleven at night the day before, but she grabbed the chance of an early finish with both hands.

She decided to drive across town that night, enjoying using her car even if it was a short journey to the Stark Tower. Sasha loved her car and how it made her feel to drive such an exquisite machine, but she also loved how Tony would glare with green envy whenever she parked it in the garage.

After stopping off at the store to grab the ingredients to make a selection of different cocktails, Sasha locked her car and headed inside. She wore her same black Louboutins and a fitted suit with a white camisole underneath, her eyes darkly lined and her lips glossed with a pale nude shade.

The sound of her heels on the marble floor drew attention in her direction, smiling and saying quiet greetings to doormen and security that had met her on many occasions by that point.

She took the elevator upstairs and headed down the hallway towards the living room, expecting Tony to still be working for a little while longer that evening. She'd texted him after leaving the store that she was on her way over, but had yet to receive a reply.

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