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The bed was cold when Sasha finally woke up. Glaring light blinding her eyes as she fluttered them open, sunshine reflecting from snow on rooftops and windows from the New York skyline was the first glittering gift she received on her 30th birthday.

It took her a few moments to realise she wasn't actually in her own bed, or in her own home, for that matter. She recognised the bedroom as Tony's, though the lack of his presence made her curious as to why she'd woken up alone, the harsh, cold space beside her let her know she'd been alone for a while.

With a pounding headache and slightly blurry vision, Sasha found two painkillers in a bedside drawer and washed them down with a half-empty glass of water on the nightstand, sighing and throwing her head back down on the pillow with an uncomfortable groan.

The evening before had ended up being enjoyable, despite her previous concerns about people figuring out what was going on between herself and Tony.

Although they had disappeared together for a significant amount of time during the party, it seemed as though not a single person had noticed. Both of them slipped back into the room as if they'd never been away, continuing the night without even a shadow of a doubt from anybody else.

It was four o'clock in the morning when Sasha tried to leave. Most people had already left by that point apart from a few stragglers enjoying the liquor behind the bar, but Tony wasted no time in grabbing her before she could jump into a taxi and disappear, telling her that it was fine for her to stay with him and that she didn't have to leave.

Sasha didn't take much convincing at that stage since she'd drank far too much champagne and Tony practically carried her back inside, taking her straight to bed and leaving her with some water while he said goodbye to everyone that was still in the party.

Her memory of the party was slightly hazy when she awoke, remembering everything up to, and including, the early birthday present Tony had given her while they were alone. Anything after that was sporadic and blurred, spotlight memories of dancing with people she didn't know and doing shots of tequila with Steve at the bar, under Tony's watchful gaze, of course.

The bedroom door creaked and Sasha let out a groan once more, pulling the covers over her face and burying her head into the pillow, her soul painfully sensitive to light and sound on that particular morning.

"You finally awake? You've missed half your birthday by the way, it's 1PM."

Tony threw himself down onto the bed beside Sasha, sliding underneath the covers and laughing quietly to himself as he saw the way she was desperately trying to massage away the headache with her fingers on her temples.

"You taken some Tylenol?"

Sasha just nodded, saying nothing. Tony slipped an arm beneath her neck and pulled her body against his, brushing his fingers through her hair as he placed gentle kisses against her forehead.

"Happy birthday, sweetheart."

"Thanks," she mumbled against his chest, draping an arm across his shoulder and letting her nails tickle his skin lightly, "How come the bed was cold, where did you go?"

Sasha remembered Tony eventually joining her in bed after everybody had left the party. She was almost asleep when he kissed her neck, whispering things in her ear that made her suddenly feel more awake than she had done all evening, though she didn't remember him leaving.

"Are you kidding me?" Tony said with a chuckle, "You kicked me out at like eight this morning, said I was snoring too loud and that you couldn't sleep."

Sasha just scoffed, covering her face with her hands in shame and embarrassment before rolling back over onto Tony's chest, placing a hand on the side of his face.

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