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It was a Saturday morning when Tony woke up in bed alone. Two weeks had passed and Sasha had been given the all clear about her shoulder from the doctors the day before, the two of them heading to O'Shea's for a couple of drinks to celebrate that she was no longer burdened with a sling.

They hadn't been out late but Sasha had been rather drunk, her tolerance slipping after not drinking for such a long period of time. Tony didn't mind, though. He loved watching her smile drunkenly at him from across the table and grab hold of his arm while they walked, slurring her words as she told him just how much she loved him.

It didn't matter that people stared if she stumbled over her own feet or accidentally knocked a drink over, Tony was happy because she was happy, and after seeing her so low since he'd got back home, seeing a wholesome glow in her face was something he wasn't going to take away.

Once he'd finally woken up properly, Tony pulled on a pair of sweatpants and ran a hand through his hair, pursing his lips as he looked at his reflection in Sasha's bedroom mirror before heading out into the kitchen.


Breathless yet grinning with pride, Sasha stood at the end of the kitchen island with beaming eyes and cheeks flushed red. Before her were four different breakfast dishes and hot cups of coffee, the paper bag from Tony's favourite breakfast place was on the floor next to the trash can.

"You better be hungry, I swear to God."

Tony smiled, a vase of blooming sunflowers in the centre of the island beside the framed photo of Sasha and Phil that never moved.

"You went out and got all of this by yourself? Come here."

Tony opened his arms with a sleepy smile and Sasha immediately walked into them, feeling warm against his bare chest as he kissed through her hair, his arms wrapped around her waist. She smelled like the fresh air and pastries, sugar and cinnamon mixed with pure sunshine, the happiness he'd seen on her face last night still shining bright.

Sasha looked up at Tony and placed her hands on the sides of his neck, "Did I get your order right? Please don't lie, I'd rather you tell me if I got it wrong."

Tony glanced over his shoulder at the food once more, impressed that Sasha had managed to remember all of his favourite breakfast foods.

Over the two weeks he'd been staying with her, he'd slowly realised that whenever Sasha struggled to remember something, it came back to her more easily when she did something related to what she couldn't quite remember.

At first, Sasha couldn't recall where she kept her hairdryer and straighteners, though as she did the rest of her shower routine, she instinctively walked over to the dressing table and lifted up the lid on the leather stool, finding all the tools right where she'd left them.

Tony had picked up on her doing the same when it came to other things, though he'd decided to keep his theory to himself for the time being. He was proud of her for figuring things out on her own, though always offered his help when it was needed.

"Every single one of 'em," Tony grinned, his expression mirroring her own as it became apparent just how proud of herself she was, squeezing her arms around him tightly before planting a quick kiss on his lips.

They both sat down at the island and tucked into their breakfast, Sasha somehow acting like she wasn't suffering from a killer hangover when Tony was certain she'd be in bed till at least midday.

Sasha had voiced a willingness to slowly phase a return to work a few days prior, though Tony wasn't completely sold on the idea. There was still so much Sasha struggled with as well as new challenges that work would bring and he was afraid that her colleagues might not be as empathetic towards her and helping when she needed it due to the intensity of the corporate environment.

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