Chapter 29

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"Okay, lets make some martinis" I say announcing our presence as we walked in the kitchen seeing that the twins are already in their nighties. They looked at me before taking a laugh and I think I know why so I gave Elizabeth a look who is trying so hard not to fucking laugh.

"Honey, you're tall so I don't have bottoms that really fits your height." She says in defense making me roll my eyes. Well, that's valid so I just let them laugh as I pull away from her and jogged around the island.

"Laugh all you want, I don't care." I huff like a little girl stomping towards the freezer making them laugh as Ashley helps me up with the glasses and gin placing them on the kitchen island.

"Thank you Ashley for your assistance. Sweetheart, do you have some lemons?"

"They're in the fridge." I gave her a nod and walked to the fridge getting some lemons. Now that I got all my ingredients in making the perfect martini. I start, well its been a while since I did this so I hope I still got it.

I pour a little bit of vermouth on each glass coating the inside of it before tossing it on the sink then immediately poured some frozen gin before slicing some lemon peel squeezing that on and a nice little mist and viola a perfect fucking martini.

"Alright there you have it folks, the perfect martini." I playfully bowed as they gave some applause.

"That's so entertaining. You really looked so serious." Mary Kate says. I smiled as I slide two drinks towards her and Ashley before taking my drink and Elizabeth's walking around the island handing it to her.

"Ooh, That is a good martini." Ashley states and I also got a nod of agreement from Mary Kate which makes me feel so proud of myself.

"How's yours?" I whispered to Elizabeth as she takes a sip of hers.

"That's refreshing." I smiled before tapping my chest. Okay, I still got it. She lets out a giggle before leaning her back against me so I moved closer just so she won't fall.

"You do this more often?" I look up to the twins raising my brows as I drink some of my martini "Make drinks? Do you do some bartending before or what?"

"Nope, Martini is my favorite cocktail so I just had to learn how to do it. Its the only thing I drink besides beer. I'm from Texas so I grew up with a bottles of cold beer in our fridge every day."

"Really? You don't sound from Texas though"

"No, sometimes I could hear the accent like there's a little southern there." Elizabeth says making me smile. I placed a kiss on top of her head as I put my drink down wrapping my arms around her.

"It comes and goes I think."

"Wait till she gets drunk, then you'll notice it." She says. I shake my head and snuggled further into her neck.

"Hey Shannon, we're still here" I raised my head from Elizabeth shoulders and looked at the twins looking quite embarrassed as Elizabeth's giggles fills my ears.

"And you're not even drunk at this moment." I shrugged finishing up my martini before placing a kiss on top of her head.

"Sweetie, I'll make myself a drink." I whispered so she sat properly as I make myself another martini.

"Give me another one." Mary Kate says sliding her glass up to me. A smile form on my face as I take it. Well my martini is selling.

"Honey, you can't drink too much. You took some CBD earlier. We have work tomorrow." I gave her a smile. Well, I almost forgot about that.

"Don't worry about it sweetie."

"Why do you take CBD? You're sick or something?"Elizabeth glanced at me and as much as I don't want anyone knowing about my horrible anxiety, I think its safe for her sisters to know about it. Just in case I lost control, they would understand. I hope.

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