Chapter 59

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I've been feeling so uneasy and nervous for the past couple of hours just waiting for doctors to just come out of that double doors and tell me that my mom is okay. She is currently in surgery for her tumor on her breast and I pray to heavens she's going to get through it.

"Baby just relax, she's going to be fine." I let out a breath as I felt Elizabeth's hand on both side of my face making me look at her as she offers me a small smile before I drop my head on her shoulder. I need to just calm down because I might have a panic attack if I don't.

"Why are they taking so long. God, this is killing me." I muttered.

"They're just making sure she's alright my love. Just stay calm okay." I let out a deep breath as she do gentle strokes on my back and it was helping me to calm down but the thoughts are still there. "Maybe just sit down for a bit, I can hear your heart beating so loud honey." 

I gave her a nod and let her pull me towards Casey before sitting me down next to her. I rest my head against the wall closing my eyes and just try to think of something else than the fact that my mom is still in there and still I've got no news on what's happening with her. I didn't even realize that my leg was bouncing until Elizabeth placed her hand on my knees stopping it.

"Hey you alright?" I hear Casey says as I felt her hand on my arm so I slightly open my eyes and gave her a small smile. "Lizzie?"

"She's anxious and I'm just trying to calm her down because if she doesn't I will have to pull out the medication card on her." Even though I agreed to take my medication it doesn't change the fact that I still hate them. I already had a doze earlier and I don't need another one right now.

"Oh God, you know what, Lizzie why don't you just take her out for a while so she can see other things other than these hospital walls and try to distract her. I'll text you if something comes u-"

"No, I want to stay and" I breathe. What the fuck.

"Okay, that's it lets go. I'm not having you on a hospital bed too. Come on, we've talked about this." I raised the white flag and just let Elizabeth pull me up knowing that she's right and its not nice for my mom to know I'm also on a hospital bed for a major panic attack.

"Can you walk?" She asks as I rest my arm around her shoulder for support while she wraps an arm around my waist. I let out a small nod even though I really am feeling a bit weak.

"Casey, just text me if anything happens" Elizabeth says as she gently stroke my back making Casey smile and nod and with that we slowly made our way out of the hospital. I really need to breathe some fresh air.

We found ourselves in the car as she sits me down on the passenger seat with the door wide open and just let me breathe some fresh air and it was somehow working because then I could already breathe properly.

"I need you to take this." I look down at Elizabeth's palm and saw a small pill. Its for my anxiety. I hesitate but took it anyway putting it in my mouth and drinking the bottle of water she just handed to me before giving it back to her and take a deep breath.

"Feeling better?" I gave her a nod as she walks back to me and place a kiss on my forehead resting her hands on the side of my face as I rest my head on her stomach trying to relax.

"She's going to be fine honey, all of this would be over before you know it and she would be better after okay?" I look up to her and she offers me a smile so I returned it earning another kiss on the forehead and gentle strokes on my head and I'm really grateful for her efforts on making me feel better like she always makes everything better.

"Do you want something to eat? you're looking a bit pale."

"I'm good, just need to breathe sweetie. Thank you though."

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