Chapter 55

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Lizzie's P.O.V.
I stare at myself on the mirror while my thoughts run wild in my head. I know its not the alcohol even though I had a couple shots down in my system already. There's something odd with Shannon tonight. I know I've hurt her so bad earlier. Oh God, I still feel terrible about it.

I don't know what has gotten into me. It's not that I don't see myself settling with Shannon in the future. It just took me by surprise and I started over thinking about the what if's. I love Shannon, I do so much and this ring is too important for her. It's her late grand mother's ring for god's sake and that is too much pressure for me to handle at the moment. Its way too fast, I just broke an engagement about a month ago and in a span of weeks I'm already in a relationship again and everything is just going too fast. I don't know, I'm confused to be honest. and now this.

I know Shannon understands. Yes, I believe her when she said that but the way she's acting is so strange. I know her and when she's hurt she'll shut down. But right now, she's been so cool about it and that scares me more because that only means she's faking it again. There's no way that what I did earlier didn't affect her in some way. I basically told her I'm not sure about what we have and God that is so terrible. I need to talk to her about this not tonight when we got alcohol running in our blood right now. Maybe tomorrow I guess.

I let out a sigh and compose myself before making my way out seeing Shannon waiting for me outside leaning against the wall staring at nothing quite deep in thought. See what I mean, Ugh I really don't feel so good. I let out a breath before I made my way towards her. As soon as she saw me she stood up straight and gives me a smile.

"Hey my love. Kelly said you were here so I just made sure." She smiles widely but not quite reaching her eyes. She then wrapped an arm around my shoulders.  "You alright?" I gave her a smile and a nod as my arm hangs loosely around her waist.


"Yea, I wasn't earlier because you were gone when I came back from the bar. But you're here now." She pulled me into a tight hug taking me by surprise but I found myself melting in them. There is really something in her touch that brings me so much comfort.

"Hmm, you smell so good."She hums as she pulls back making me giggle.

"I think you're drunk."

"Me, No I'm not drunk." She shakes her head so I gave her a knowing look making her squint her eyes at me. "Maybe, a little bit" She giggles giving me another hug. That's what I thought.

"But baby, come on. You smell good, you look great." She paused looking at something on my chest so I looked down and saw the necklace with the ring on it making my heart beat fast.

"You know what, let's just take this off." She was about to take the necklace off but I stopped her and look at her.

"What?" She half smiles.

"Just leave it there, you said it looks good."

"Nah it doesn't go with your outfit." She goes and tries to take it off again but I held her arms and placed them around my waist as I pulled her down for a kiss hoping to somehow take her mind of it.

"Can you just take it off please, its really hard for me seeing it anymore." She whispers in my ear as soon as she pulls away from my lips.


"Just please take it off." I let go of her arms and let her take it off afraid to look at her. Fuck, I feel fucking terrible doing this to her. She then takes my hand and dropped the necklace on my palm before closing my hands.

"There we go, now you look gorgeous mm mm mm, Come on let's go back to our table. The others might be wondering what's taking us so long and I need a fucking drink." I suddenly felt urge to just go home. I'm really not feeling the mood to have fun tonight when I know that something is clearly not right between us.

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