Chapter 61

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"Where did you say we'll be meeting Peach and Jess?" Elizabeth asks as we collect our baggages. We've just landed in New York and its already six in the morning. I'm so tired, I haven't got a proper sleep yet so I might burry myself in our sheets when we get to the apartment.

"They're with Jake already waiting for us at the terminal, I think paparazzi are crowding the area again." I sighed as I picked up our luggages and put it on the cart. I'm surprised, I still have energy to lift anything. I did a final check on our things making sure we got them all before making our way to the terminal with Elizabeth gripping on my pullover and staying close.

As we get closer, I can already hear yells and see flashes of cameras and I really pray to God that Jake is nearby because I really can't deal with this at the moment and thankfully I see him right away with Jess and Alex who is fucking gawking at one of my men making me snigger. As soon as they saw us, Jake immediately walks to us taking the cart from me and handing it to Dave before giving me a smile and a fist bump.

"Quite a number eh." I muttered as I take Elizabeth's hand in mine.

"Shannon! Lizzie!" I look up seeing my two dimwits walking over to us making me smile and gave them a hug and Elizabeth does the same.

"They've been waiting for you." Jess says gesturing to the paparazzi making me sigh and turn to Jake.

"Jake?" Jake nods and instructed the team as they made their way to the exits ready to block those screaming men from getting near to us. Jake then looks at me so I gestured him to come closer.

"I need Rick and Jayson side by side Jess and Peach. Just incase something slips up. okay?" He nods and instruct the team through his radio as I look at my friends who are rather looking so lost before Peach looks at me with a look I couldn't quite get.

When Rick and Jayson came into view we started making our way to the exits with Jake on Elizabeth's side while Rick and Jayson walks with my best friends. We manage to get through the paparazzi just fine and got in the van safely. My team did a very good job again as always. I turn to Elizabeth as she leans to me resting her head on my shoulder.

"Babe, you alright?" She then raised her head looking at me before giving me a smile which sends relief to me in some way.

"Yea, Just a bit tired honey but I'm alright." She sighs looking adorable so I gave her a smile and nod for her to return her head on my shoulder and just rest. We haven't had a proper sleep since we went straight to the airport after Love Loud and catch our flight going here.

"Do you get that more often?" Jess says as soon as we're all settled in while the can starts moving.

"Yea, but its too early for that number of paparazzi at the airport. Jake?" I called making him turn to us and look at me. "Why are there so many paparazzi at the airport its six in the morning?"

"Oh I heard they knew you two were coming from Utah."

"Oh yea, the photos and videos from Love Loud were posted last night. You and Elizabeth were trending on twitter because of a clip." A clip? My brows furrowed remembering specifically what happened yesterday because Elizabeth and I have our phones turned off still so we are really unaware of everything that's been going on for the past couple of hours.

"Oh here it is." I take Jess's phone and saw the clip where I came down from the stage and went to kiss Elizabeth. A smile slowly appear on my lips as I remember that moment. I continue to scroll down and saw a photo of us backstage when she pulled me to the side calming me down and the others are all the same thing.

I returned Jess phone and sat back to my seat with Elizabeth just looking at me with worried eyes making me raise my brows. "What?"

"Well, what was it?"

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