Chapter 77

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"Baby, I have your new medication." I look up from my iPad to Elizabeth who just came in with the mail in her hands. She then dropped the other mail on the coffee table and opened a package while she walks to me and I'm guessing that is my medication.

"You talked to Joan already?"

"Yea, yesterday at the studio. She said you can always return when you're better." She takes out three bottles of pills and I sighed at the amount of pills I'm taking already and now we have these three.

"So she said these two are for your anxiety then this one is sleeping pills for when you couldn't sleep. For your anxiety pills take one of each once a day." She explains as she looks at her phone. She then looks up to me and raised her brows so I gave her a nod.

"Alright then." She walks away from the table as I take the bottles and look at them. I really hope this works because my last one doesn't even lower my heart rate anymore in a single doze. A few seconds later, Elizabeth comes back with a glass of water placing it in front of me. I gave her the bottles ad she takes one of each from the bottles for my anxiety and gives it to me. I immediately took them at the same time and drank all the contents of the glass in front of me.

"Thank you sweetheart." She smiles at me and placed a kiss on top of my head. She then takes the bottles and walks away again as I return to my iPad again. Alyssa texted me earlier saying that she booked me a photoshoot and guess who is it. Its Macarena and as much as I'm so hyped at that, I don't know how Elizabeth would feel about it if I tell her about it and to be honest I'm a bit nervous to do it.

Anyway, the photoshoot is next week Friday. By that time, we've already wrapped up post production and I think Elizabeth is planning a two week vacation in Europe so I really need to tell her now about it. As if on cue, Elizabeth comes back and sits on my lap wrapping her arms and legs around me like a koala breathes out a sigh melting in my arms. So I stopped reviewing the scenes that were sent to me by Kevin and just held her closing my eyes. This feels so nice and relaxing.

"I love you" She whispers in my ear making me smile as I pulled back slightly to just look at her. She has the sweetest smile on her face as she rests her head on my shoulder and her eyes jade eyes are much brighter this time.

"I love you" She smiles taking my lips in hers giving me the sweetest kiss ever. She pulls and returns her head on my shoulder just looking at me.

"You alright?" I ask and she just nods her head a smile on her face.


"Yea, quite distracted by my baby but that's alright." She giggles giving me another kiss before pulling herself up and gets my iPad from the table.

"What're you working on anyway?"

"The last sequence before wrap up sweetheart. I might be done with it tomorrow I think then we'll be ready to submit the final output to Kit."

"That's good and if that's the case and everything goes well then we might wrapped up post production by the end of the week and that means alone time for a whole month." She smiles as she returns my iPad on the table before her hands made its way around my neck. Okay, I need to tell her now.

"Uh about that sweetheart. Alyssa texted me earlier, I kinda still have one more shoot in New York next Friday."

"What shoot?"

"A photoshoot" I paused watching her reaction and she just nods her head. "With Maca" I gave her an unsure look. I watched as she realized who I was talking about and her eyes squints at me.

"Its just a photoshoot baby. You should come with me to the shoot." After a while her lips curves into a smile and lets out a chuckle.

"Why are you so worked up honey, Its okay. When is the shoot?" Relief washes over me in an instant upon hearing that, but I'm still unsure about her being okay with this.

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