Chapter 81

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Voices. I hear them getting louder and louder as I came to my senses. I can't figure out what they were saying but somehow I was hoping I would get to hear her voice. It was a stupid thought but still I was waiting for her voice but it didn't came.

I open my eyes squinting through the bright light at the ceiling so I turn my head to the side and realized I'm alone in my bed. She left and she's gone for good. I can still smell the scent of her hair on my pillow and its making me miss her more. God I miss her so bad.

"Good morning sweetheart." I hear my mom say as she comes over to my bed looking at me with pure sympathy and worry in her eyes before planting a kiss on top of my head and I hate it. My mood changes instantly with the feeling of not wanting to wake up anymore. Why? because its easier to get through days having nothing to feel when I'm asleep because when I'm awake, I feel everything.

"Where is she?" I whispered almost to myself but the room is quiet, too quiet. With my sister and my dad just staring at me while my mom sat on the side of the bed giving me looks, they probably heard that.

"She left when we came in." I nod my head weakly not pretty sure why and kept my gaze on the hem of my blanket. "She left you this." I slowly look up as my mom gets a piece of paper and a box from the bedside table and handed it to me. With a heavy heart, I slowly take it and rest the box on my lap putting my attention to the neatly folded paper in my hand.

To my Shanbee

Written in her handwriting on the opening fold. I stared at it as my heart starts beating loudly in my chest. I used to be the one who always writes her letters or notes knowing she'll wake up alone in bed and will look for me the moment she wakes up. But now, its the other way around. The most special thing about this though is that this is the first letter she had given me. Elizabeth is not fond of writing, she prefers calls and text messages or voice mails so its a bit strange having to see her handwriting on paper in my hands.

I swallowed the lump in my throat as I opened the letter and falls a picture on my lap. Its the picture I took of her the first time we had our picnic on our spot. I felt hot tears behind my eyes as I stared at it.

Good morning honey,It's a bit odd for me to write a letter to you, I know

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Good morning honey,
It's a bit odd for me to write a letter to you, I know. Its not my thing and I should probably just leave you a voicemail instead. But, I realized, I wouldn't be able to get a word out of me and all you will hear is nothing. Just like what we are now. It hurts to even write that down knowing our time is done. I still can't accept the fact that you and I are over and I think I won't be able to get through that, not in months or even years. Our time was short but it holds the most special place in my heart so I want to thank you for giving me that. I really thought you were going to be my last, the one as they say. Maybe you still are, the only difference now is that I won't get to call you mine anymore. It sad and it hurts so much but maybe you're right. Maybe we need this for the both of us. Maybe we we're meant to be but we're just not meant to last. Just one of those people who comes to give you a little heaven to somehow save you from the worst that might happen and you had given me that so thank you, you saved me and kept me safe up until the end. I'm still hoping to see you soon and when we cross paths again, maybe we could start over. I'll be waiting for you my love. I love you so much Shannon. You're still and will remain to be my only home. Until we meet again, my greatest love.

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