Episode 4

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A week later:

Jungkook's pov:

I was standing in front of a cafe with my one hand in my pocket and the other hanging freely besides.

I am here to meet my blind date.

For a whole week I looked through my resources to find a girl who would prove to be a good life partner, as most of the girls in the business circle are either a bit too bold, having three or four relationships at a time, obviously for sake of business deals. Or, married or engaged.

Finally, I found this one girl who was neither committed nor had any past relationships.

I opened the door and went inside. There I saw her sitting at a corner near the window.

I went to her and greeted her. She greeted me back and I sit in front of her.

"Miss Lisa? ", I asked and she immediately nodded her head.

"You are indeed more beautiful than the picture.", I said and she blushed at my complement.

"Let's order something before talking any further.", I said and she nodded her head.

I called the waiter and a handsome man appeared in front of me.

By looking at his appearance it was hard to tell that he was a waiter.

I ordered two cups of coffee and he left taking the order.

Lisa and I started talking and she started telling me about her interests in different fields. Though she sounded a bit boring but I still listened to her and all her business related discussion.

Just then a waitress came with the coffee standing besides Lisa. But for some reason it felt like she got freeze at place.

I looked up, to see why is she not placing the order at the table but looking up I also got froze at my place.

"Y/n?" Her name came out as a whisper out of my mouth.

We kept looking at each other with our eyes wide open.

In a while, when she came back to her senses, she was about to walk away but the tray in her hand fell down and all the coffee was over me now.

I quickly stood up and so did Lisa.

She ran away from there without looking back and my eyes were on her disappearing figure.

When Lisa came to me and tried to remove the stains using her handkerchief, I jerked her hand.

She looked shocked by my sudden act of rudeness.

The manager of the store came out towards us, but before she could say anything I went out of the cafe.

I went to my car and started driving back to my house.

I never thought of meeting her again like this.

Y/n's pov:

I went to the changing room in the cafe and locked myself.

I saw him, I saw him today. It was him right in front of my eyes.

The one I once loved the most and then hated the most. The once I once trusted the most and then got broken by him.

He was my first love and my first hate.

Tears were rolling down my eyes and my vision was getting more and more blurry.

I heard Taehyung calling my name from outside multiple times, but I couldn't make myself calm right now.

I cried and cried for a whole hour, letting out all what was inside me.

After a long session of catharsis, I wiped my tears and unlocked the door.

Just when I opened the door, Taehyung immediately came in and hug me tight.

"You scared me y/n!", he said and started crying.

I got startled at first, but then slowly patted his back to calm him down.

Still hugging him, I saw Jisoo standing at the door looking at us both.

I slowly pulled away from the hug and wiped his tears. Then we both looked at Jisoo.

"Y/n what happened earlier? Why did you locked the door like that? Do you how much worried me and Taehyung got?", she said and hugged me.

I hugged her back and started sobbing in a low voice.

She pulled away from the hug and looked at me.

"Tell us y/n, what happened. What happened?", she said and caressed my cheek with her right hand.

"J-jungkook..... J-jungkook.  It was Jungkook.", I said and hugged her tight.

Both Jisoo and Taehyung were shocked by my words.

I already told them about Jungkook long ago. They both cursed him and said that he never deserved me.

I also started hating him and thought that if I ever meet him ever again, I would really punch him hard on his face. Though I know it would be nothing in front of what he did to me. But I would still take out my anger on him and make him look at the mirror of reality once, so that he knows what kinda monster he is.

But meeting him like this was certainly unexpected and so I couldn't do anything, I planned earlier.

But what happened, happened for the good. As I really don't care anymore about his existence. My anger and my smile for the one I love.

As he never loved me, so I don't love him anymore.

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