Episode 6

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The next day :

Jungkook' pov:

I am in a very important meeting right now.

I've been waiting to collaborate with the Kim corporation for long.

Now I can get the position I want, as my biggest rivals are going to be my business partners now.

My biggest dream is about to come true.


Why am I not happy? When I should be the happiest right now.

Since the day I met her in the cafe, I cannot concentrate on anything else.

I am here but still not here.

Am I feeling guilty? Or I feel bad looking at her state? Or..... do I love her.....

No that cannot be the case. I never loved her, I just acted and she was the one who loved me whole heartedly.

And what did I give her in return? Betrayal?

This restlessness is all guilt.

I guess I need to say a sorry to her, only that way I can get my peace back.

In the evening :

Y/n's pov:

I was serving the coffees to the customers and Taehyung was working on the counter.

Today there are more amount of customers than ever.

Just then a guy entered in the cafe. That too not just any guy, but my second least favourite person Park Jimin. Well Jungkook  stands first in the list.

He came towards me, but I just ignored him and went to the counter.

He followed me there and then suddenly grabbed my hand.

"What is your problem Jimin?", I nearly shouted.

"Woah calm down, I just had something important to tell. But I can't tell it here let's go out of the cafe. It's urgent!", he dragged me outside the cafe with him while Taehyung was looking at us angry.

He was about to come to us and I knew that he would fight with Jimin, so I gestured him that everything is fine.

As we came out of the cafe, he opened the door of his car and gestured me to get in.

Shall I get in? Well, I know he won't kidnap me. Because if he wanted to do that, he would've done it earlier. He has both power and money to do that.

I got in the car at the back seat.

Closing the door at my side, he got in the car from the other side.

"Now let's talk. And I want you to listen with patience.", he said and I rolled my eyes at him.

"What do you want? ", I asked in annoyance.

"As I told you before, I need to tell you something. But don't get worried hearing it. Okay.", though I was confused by his words but still nodded my head at him hesitantly.

He took a deep breathe and started talking with worrisome expressions on his face.

"Y/n you already know that your father is a heart patient and how he already got a heart attack earlier. Since the day you left your house, he started taking more and more stress. His heart was already weak and it got weaker due to the continous stress.

Because of all of that stress, yesterday night he had a heart attack. ", as he said that my eyes grew bigger and my mind went blank. I felt my heart ache at my father's pain.

"Y/n what I am about to say you need to listen to it really carefully.

Your fathers is fine now but it's his second attack and the doctors said that the third one can be fatal.

You are your parents only daughter y/n. They have no-one except for you.

I know you have differences with them but for now they need you, as your fathers life is at stake. So, you need to forget the differences for now and take care of them.

Your father and mother are both in Canada now and they'll be back in two week as your father can't travel right now.

So, your mother asked me to convince you to meet your father when he comes back. Only then he may feel better.

You still have two weeks so think about it carefully.

Now everything's on you y/n.", he said.

It was too much, a bit too much to take. How can I not know about my father's pain? What kind of a daughter am I?

First I broke his heart by loving that cheater and disobeying him, and then again left him in pain all alone?

I shouldn't have done this before but now is the time to fulfil my duties as a daughter.

"I will meet him Jimin. He is my father and I love him and can't see him in pain. But Jimin can you do me a favour?", I said and he slowly nodded his head.

"Please tell me whenever they come back. Ask mom to take care of dad and if possible then keep me updated about his health. Can you do all this?", I said and he nodded his head.

I slowly pulled him in a hug as I couldn't take the pain anymore, and cried out loud in his embrace.

He just patted my back slowly with one hand and hugged me with the other hand.

I am sorry dad for being such a bad daughter.

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