Episode 12

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Y/n's pov:

I got shocked by his sudden action. His lips were devouring mine with love and care. It was soft. So soft that I could nearly let myself get away with it without even realizing.

But I had to come to my senses and realize that the person is no good but a cheater.

Getting back to my senses, I immediately pushed him back with all the force I had. He stumbled back and looked at me with his eyes wide open, shocked by my sudden action.

"What do you think of yourself Jeon jungkook? You will use me, then throw me and then come again, claiming that you love me? How dare you even try to think about it after what you did to me! I am not that immature fool anymore and neither will I let you use me anymore! Stay away from me and this is the last time I'm telling you about it. Or else the consequences won't be good as I won't tolerate it anymore!", I shouted with extreme anger and dashed out, stomping my feet without looking back.

I rushed towards my apartment and getting in, immediately locked my door.

Leaning against the door, I slided down on the floor with tears still rolling down my eyes.

I lied. I lied that day that I never loved him. I lied that I did it all just to rebel against my parents.

I loved him. Not only loved him but loved him more than anything. He was my universe and he was my shelter for me.

When he kissed me earlier I felt myself out of this world. I felt myself in heaven and I hate me for that. How can you still love the one who destroyed your life like that. How pathetic of me to be this stupid!

Wiping my tears off, I made my way to my room. After washing my face and getting out of my bathroom, I was about to lay down to sleep when I suddenly realized something.


He had to come to meet me but in all that drama with jungkook, I completely forgot about him.

He didn't come. Did he? Or did he by any chance saw what happened between me and jungkook? I got froze thinking of it. If he did see us like that, he would've been very hurt.

I started walking here and there out of anxiety. I wanted to say him a no, but I never wanted him to get any worng ideas like this.

I need to sort things out with him tomorrow. I hope it's not what I think it is.

The next day:

Y/n's pov:

I woke up early in the morning to get ready for the cafe.

I was doing my breakfast when I suddenly heard that popping sound of a message.

I took out my phone from my bag to look at the message.


Jimin: I wanted to tell you that we're taking tonight's flight to Korea. I'll pick you up early tomorrow from your house. So be ready. Okay?

I sighed a bit looking at the message. I need to tell Jisoo today so that I can pack my stuff for tomorrow and also need to talk to taehyung to clear things out.

Y/n: Okay. I'll be ready.

I briefly answered and put my phone down.

I Never Loved You ✓|| Maknaeline ffWhere stories live. Discover now