Chapter 3: Anomaly at the Mountain

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What is man's most significant innovation of all time? I remembered a certain point in life when my college professor asked a simple question "what was man's greatest invention?"

 Weapons? Construction method? Vehicles? Books? 

The answer was fire. Man did not create fire however, man accidentally made it, and nature taught man how to do it. 

The man saw that fire could cook food, bring warmth at night or in rainy weather, fire can scare predators....but man also knew that fire could consume the maker, burning their belongings and themselves, after seeing the aftermath of their negligence and ignorance man then learned that fire is a double-edged sword. 

If you don't know how to use it, then expect that you will get burned due to your own ignorance.



I was right. The weather situation is as fickle as it gets as always, it rained after I found a temporary shelter to place myself under. My only source of light is the flashlight that was attached to the pilot helmet as well as the enhanced night vision feature that came along with the helmet.

[I want some barbecue] I swallowed my saliva as I imagined grilling on a rainy Sunday evening BY MYSELF, damn it. I never had any to accompany me on that one so I brought myself to remember something sad. 

I'm currently resting on a rock formation that was convenient to sit into, and then patiently waited for the rain to settle. The sound of the rain hitting the ground is dampening any noise outside and inside the cave. My only way of knowing if a threat is nearby is by glancing occasionally at the tactical map to see whether a nearby enemy is present or not.

But man this is boring. I have nothing to do except stare at the UI and the less-visible forest.

It sure is peaceful that it makes me feel that something out of a horror movie would pop out by surprise. 

To be honest, I like it when it rains, but not when I am outdoors.


When I was about to get deep in my thoughts, a notification sound alerted me and I immediately glanced at the tactical map. 20 red dots appeared at the foot of the mountain, though it was on the opposite side of where I am.

[What are they?] I don't know what they are unless I saw and identified them myself, that is how the map feature works. The map's hostile and friendly markers can only identify something accurately once I have identified whatever that is by myself, however, it would always be indicated with a blue for friendlies, white for neutral, and red for hostiles.

I feel that going there by myself would be a bit of a dangerous thing to do, hence I opened the INVENTORY window and looked at whatever I can find that seems to be useful.


INVENTORY LV 1 [38/100] 
-5, 100-round box magazines
-10, 15-round pistol magazines
-1 Plasma Drone 
-1 Plasma Drone Controller
-3 unidentified safe-to-eat berries
-3 MRE
-10 person first aid kid
-5 water purifying kits


Ammunition, a drone dispenser, a controller, and then berries. 

I already found what I needed, but I am a bit curious as to why these berries were still left as "UNIDENTIFIED".

['s a bit bigger than what I remembered it was in the game] 

RE: Summoned to the parallel world of swords and magic as a titan pilot Vol1Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu