Chapter 7: A metallic abomination's descent

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What's up sexy readers, this is the 2nd chapter for this month. I have more free time than I have ever imagined, turns out I have fewer works to do now that the Christmas break has officially descended upon the realm. Well, that does not mean I am very vacant though since work is also quite busy. I have 4 days where I work in a week starting now, it was 3 before, so yeah.....

As for the free time, I mean that UNI is on a break for now. I have 11 days until January 2, 2023, so that is quite a lot of time on my hands.

Still, I am thankful for everyone reading this story, and I hope you will have a good year as well~

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year everyone!

-Author who is still a single guy


How does technology affect one's description of a good life? Supposedly we have used these said gadgets on a daily basis which seems to have made us become totally dependent on them.

But how does that correlate with the situation?

[We're closer to Miruzo City mister! Look! The Minstral Lake can be seen from here!] (Rikka)

No, it's not about the lake. I was so deep in my thoughts that the idea of AI came to mind.

What is an AI and how does that differ from the robotic maid I heard about some time ago?

An AI is a system where an advanced computer learns, whereas the latter is just the human male's lump of cyberpunk desire. Why would you want to make a robotic maid serve you? Hello?

Other than that...the idea of having one to serve you sounds... amazing.

[Jack? Are you okay?] (Nene) right. I told them my name during breakfast.

Time check, it's already almost lunchtime...god why did I forget about that. 

I was in a daze until my consciousness goes back to me. With that, I saw Nene's worried face staring at the helmet I am wearing...

I wonder just why my mind goes from here to there when I have something important to do. Am I casually daydreaming?

[I'm fine, just thinking about certain things to do for precaution] of course that was a lie to hide my real thoughts. On another note, the lake seems to be deep blue in color...doesn't that mean it is that deep?

Other than that, it seems that the energy of these girls has now returned. I mean look at them.

[Woah! The Minstral Bird flock is there this time!!! Wow!!!!] (Tanya)

[Can you count how many birds there are from here?] (Nene)

[Let's] (Tanya)

The rest were having it easy, but they were looking at the youngest with warm eyes as she counts each bird one by one. It's cute alright, not going to lie. A bunch of young girls frolicking on a's like something I missed during my youth. Ah? Right, I am supposedly turned back to my younger years...

[Hmmmm....] The thing I forgot, I bet it is about RONIN.

How should I coax these guys that what will fall to the earth won't kill us all?

They say that people of the fantasy world are the ones that take it far longer to adapt to things when it comes to bringing in new technology. I kind of hate that this fact may actually be a thing in this world. Come to think of it, I never saw any "cyberpunk-ish" technology those black vipers were having. There is no golem, no magical tablet screen, nor was there an automaton.

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