Chapter 29: Movements in the shadows

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Ignorance is a factor that would determine someone's perspective in life.

Ignorance leads to misinformation, death, and carelessness. Ignorance must perish, so that mankind would progress. Still, there are some times ignorance is a bliss.
The only sound that reached my ears is the ambient noise coming from Ronin's core as well as its electronics. Well, the rotors of the drones would count to that as well.



Passing by the entrance staircase, we arrived at the next level. Whatever may be the reason, the place was becoming less to that of a cavern and more to that of an abandoned ruins.

I can see some traces of bricks, pillars that have been weathered, some kind of stone pathway, and then some kind of ruined shrine.

[Woah......] I feel like some certain treasure hunter would be in this place carrying a whip and a revolver as his weapons, as well as plot armour for his protection.

The amount of adventurer encounters has lessened in frequency, meaning the place is becoming bigger and bigger as we progressed into another floor.

Right now my entire map is still blank at most, hence I need to move around to gather pieces of it and scan the place myself.

[There are no hostiles detected within a 100 meters] (Ronin)

This is......strange.

As far as I have experienced from the floors below, monster encounters are quite frequent as there would be by every 50 meters. What's more strange are the torches that seemingly burn without a limit, providing illumination all across the floor.

Okay, time to scout.

Taking control of the plasma drone, I made a scouting pattern for it to follow in the map which will efficient map out any parts as it will move in an "S" like pattern.

For now, it seems that moving directly into the area ahead would be dangerous.

And.........I was right.

There were traps scattered across the scouted areas done by the drone and these were immediately marked with a "!" on my map. In my perspective from the drone, these traps were highlighted with blue as it scanned the perimeter for anything wrong.

In the first place this drone was made to chase both Jack Cooper in game (which has the same name as me) as well as to search for the wrecks of the vanguard class titan piloted by Captain Lastimosa. Ehem, enough of the lore already Jack. Focus on this shit right now!

Since Ronin can also see what the drone could, I just let Ronin do the analyzing of the data that the drone gathered.

For now, I need to take a breather, as well as a meal for my famished stomach. I can already feel the skin of my stomach sticking to my back
A certain twins' perspective.

The capital is a really huge place, to the point that shadow organizations would lurk in the corners that are unseen in this city is something we would know.

[Gahak!] (??)

[Tell me, where are they?] (Ethan) Ethan drived his staff into the man's solar plexus, knocking him down as we cornered him.

[Asshole! If I'd tell you I will die as well!] (??)

[Hohohoho~ Then that means we could take your words like "over my dead body" then?] (Ethan)

[Hiiiiiiiiiiiii!] (??) I just let Ethan do the beating for now, I know that he will get the information we needed to tail those bastards down.

The fact that we are in the capital means that the black vipers have already sunk their fangs in this place.

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