Chapter 1

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y/n Bennet and Elizabeth Bennet walk through a field of tall meadow grass. She is reading a novel entitled 'First Impressions'. They walk past the back of the house where, through an open window to the library, we see her mother and father, Mr and Mrs Bennet.


Mrs. Bennet :My dear Mr Bennet, have you heard that Netherfield Park is let at last?

*we overheard them talking as we walk inside*

Mrs. Bennet : Do you not want to know who has taken it?

Mr. Bennet : As you wish to tell me, I doubt I have any choice in the matter...

*we say Lydia and Kitty eavesdropping the door where papa and mama are in and that Jane was coming*

y/n : *whispering* What do you think they're talking about?

Lizzie : Let's find out.


Lizzie : Lydi. Kitty. What have I told you about listening at the door?

y/n : what's going on? *to Kitty and Lydia*

Lydia : Never mind that. This is Mr Bingley, right from the North.

Kitty :  With five thousand a year!

Lizzie : Really?

Lydia & Kitty : And he's SINGLE!

*Jane comes and joins us at the door*

Jane : Who's single?

y/n : A Mr. Bingley apparently.

Kitty : SHHHH!

-----------*we continue listening until papa comes and open the door* -----------

Mrs. Bennet : Good heavens. People. *walking to the drawing room*

y/n : *chuckled quietly, enjoying papa's humour*

Mrs. Bennet : You must go and visit him at once. For we may not visit if you do not, as you well know Mr. Bennet.

Lydia : you're listening, you'll never listen.

Kitty : You must papa.

Mrs. Bennet : At once.

Mr. Bennet : *stopping inside the drawing room, turning to face the ladies* There's no need. I already have.

Mrs. Bennet : You have?!

Jane : When?

y/n : Nice one papa. You nearly give mama a heart attack. *giggling along with papa and lizzie who heard. While the others seem to be enjoying the new news, jumping excitedly in the drawing room*

Mrs. Bennet : y/n, that is not funny. Ohh, Mr. Bennet, how can you tease me, Mr Bennet. You have no compassion for my poor nerves?

Mrs. Bennet : You mistake me, my dear. I have a high respect for them; they are my constant companions these twenty years.

*Mary walks in joining everyone*

Mary : Papa.

Mrs. Bennet : Is he amiable?

Mary : Who?

Kitty : Is he handsome?

Mary : Who?

Lydia : He's sure to be handsome.

Lizzie : With five thousand a year, it would not matter if he had a big pink face.

*y/n walks up to Mary to give her the information she missed*

y/n : apparently a Mr. Bingley from the North came to Netherfield Park, single and makes five thousand a year.

Mary : thank you y/n, you always help me.

y/n : My pleasure. What are sisters for. *walking to the couch next to Lizzie*

Lydia :  So will he come to the ball tomorrow?

Mrs. Bennet : I believe so.

*Lydia and Kitty shriek with excitement. And everyone is discussing what to wear. y/n and Lizzie just laughing at them of how excited they are*

y/n : Must I go too papa? (knowing full well the answer to it)

Mr. Bennet : you know the answer y/n.  *amused at y/n's attempt*

y/n : well, it's worth a try. *chuckling along with lizzie and papa*

.... (to be continued)....

PRIDE AND PREJUDICE x y/n (2005) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now