Chapter 12_Prep for the Ball

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Lizzie is walking next to Wickham, while y/n was close by giving them space but keeping close to company lizzie. Lizzie and y/n settle down under a tree ( y/n at the opposite side of the tree, so is to give them some sort of privacy in a way ) , while Mr. Wickham stands.

Lizzie : Will you come to the Netherfield ball then, Mr Wickham?

Wickham : Ah. Perhaps. How long has Mr Darcy been a guest there?

Lizzie : About a month. Forgive me but are you acquainted with him? With Mr Darcy?

Wickham : Indeed, I have been connected with his family since infancy.

Lizzie is genuinely surprised.

Wickham : (cont'd) You may well be surprised, Miss Bennet, especially given our cold greeting this afternoon.

Lizzie : Well I hope your plans in favour of Meryton will not be affected by your difficult relations with the gentleman.

Wickham : Oh no - it is not for me to be driven away. If he wishes to avoid seeing me, he must go, not I.


Lizzie : I must ask you Mr Wickham, what is the manner of your disapproval of Mr Darcy?

Wickham : Do you really want to hear?

Lizzie tries not to nod too vehemently.

Wickham : (cont'd) He ruined me.

*She stares at him.*

Lizzie : How so?

Wickham : My father managed his estate. We grew up together, Darcy and I. His father treated me like a second son. Loved me like a son. Oh he was the kindest of men and bequeathed me the best living in his gift, for I had my heart set on joining the church. But when he died Darcy ignored his wishes and gave the living to another man.

Lizzie : Why did he do that?

Wickham : Jealousy. His father..– well he loved me better and Darcy couldn't stand it.

Lizzie : How cruel!

Wickham : (nods) So now, I am a poor foot soldier, too lowly even to be noticed.

*Pause. Lizzie gazes at him with horror and sympathy.*


—----------Kitty & Lydia's Bedroom; Longbourn_______________

Scene pan through the bedrooms as the Bennet girls prepare for the Netherfield balI. Betsy (the helper) is helping Lydia and Kitty into their dresses, they are both wearing white.

Lydia : Aggghh!

Kitty : Breathe in!

—----------Lizzie, Y/n and Jane's Bedroom; Longbourn_______________

Jane is taking the curlers out of Lizzie's hair. We have never seen Lizzie pay such attention to her appearance.

Jane : - I still think there must have been a misunderstanding.

Lizzie : (exasperated laugh) Oh Jane, do you never think ill of anybody?

Y/n : I somewhat second that actually Lizzie. How could Mr Darcy do such a thing?

Jane : I will discover the truth from Mr Bingley at the balI this evening.

Lizzie : Y/n, you're only saying that because I think you have taken a fancy of the browed peacock. And if it is not true let Mr Darcy contradict it himself. But until he does, I recommend us all to not engage in any way with him.

Y/n : Come now Lizzie, how can he contradict himself if when he has no idea that we heard what we heard from Mr. Wickham.

Jane : Poor, unfortunate Mr Wickham.

Lizzie : On the contrary, he is twice the man Darcy is.

Y/n : And let us hope, a rather more willing dancer.

Jane leaves Lizzie at the mirror, while y/n hugs her from behind happily because she's excited. She smiles to herself.


To Be Continued...........................

PRIDE AND PREJUDICE x y/n (2005) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now