Chapter 10_The Cousin

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—----------Back at Home; Longbourn_______________

As everyone is walking.......

Kitty : And then there was one with great long lashes, like a cow.

Lydia : Did you see him ? He looked right at me.

Mrs. Bennet : Ask Mrs Hill to order us a sirloin, Betsy. Just the one, mind. We're not made of money.

Mr. Bennet : I hope, my dear, you've ordered a good dinner today. I've reason to expect an addition to our family party.

—--------Walking Through Meryton____________

Lizzie : His name is Mr Collins. He's the dreaded cousin.

Charlotte : Who's to inherit?

Lizzie : Indeed. Everything, apparently.

Mary : even my piano stool belongs to Mr Collins.

Charlotte : When?

Lizzie : He can turn us out of the house as soon as he pleases.

Charlotte : But why?

Y/n : Because the estate is entailed to him and not to us poor females. Oh how unfair is the world.


—----------Back at Home; Longbourn_______________

The front doors opened to reveal a man.

Mr Collins :  (deep bow) Mr Collins, at your service.

—--------- In the Dining Room____________

The Bennets and Mr Collins are seated formally for supper. Mr Collins is served some food.

Mr. Collins : What a superbly featured room and what excellent boiled potatoes. It has been many years since I had such an exemplary vegetable. To which of my fair cousins should I compliment the excellence of the cooking?

Mrs. Bennet : Mr Collins, we are perfectly able to keep a cook.

Mr. Collins : What a blessing. l am honoured to have, as my patroness, Lady Catherine de Bourg, you have heard of her, I presume?

Mrs. Bennet shakes her head.

Mr Collins : (cont'd) My small rectory abuts her estate, Rosings Park, and she of ten condescends to drive by my humble dwelling in her little phaeton and ponies.

A pause. Lizzie and y/n who are seated next to each other look at each other then who catches her father's eye, stifling a laugh.

PRIDE AND PREJUDICE x y/n (2005) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now