Chapter 17 _Lady Catherine <Devil in Prada of Pride & Prejudice XD🤣> PART 2

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Mr.Dacry : I trust your family is in good health, Miss Y/n?

Y/n :  They are, thank you. My eldest sister is in London. Perhaps you saw her there.

Mr.Dacry : I haven't been fortunate enough...

Lady Catherine : Do you play the pianoforte, Miss Bennet?

[Y/n and Lizzie looked at each other wondering which of them was she talking to. ]

Lizzie : A little, ma'am, and very poorly.

Y/n :  And I little to none Ma'am.

Lady Catherine : Do you draw?

Lizzie : No, not at all.

Y/n : A little and very poorly.

Lady Catherine : Your other sisters, do they draw?

Lizzie & Y/n : Not one.

Lady Catherine : That's very strange. I suppose you had no opportunity. Your mother should've taken you to town for the benefit of the masters.

Lizzie : Our mother wouldn't have minded, but father hates town.

Lady Catherine :  Has your governess left you?

Y/n : We never had a governess.

Lady Catherine : No governess? Five daughters brought up at home without a governess? I never heard such a thing. Your mother must've been a slave to your education.

Y/n : Not at all, Lady Catherine.

Lady Catherine : Your younger sisters, are they out in society?

Lizzie : Yes, ma'am, all.

Lady Catherine : All? What, all five out at once? That's very odd. And you second and third. The younger ones out before the elders are married? Your youngest sisters must be very young.

Y/n : Yes, my youngest is not 16.

Lizzie : But it would be hard on younger sisters not to have their amusement because the elder is still unmarried. It would hardly encourage sisterly affection.

PRIDE AND PREJUDICE x y/n (2005) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now