Chapter 11_Wickham

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—----------In Meryton_______________

Lizzie, Jane and y/n are walking together.

Lizzie : Mr. Collins, the sort of man who makes you despair at the entire sex.

Y/n : I could not have worded that out better lizzie. If it was not for him I think that I would and could probably come to like someone but thankfully he appeared and reminded me why not to.

* all laughing*


It was a winding afternoon and a handkerchief was blown away. He stands before Lizzie, holding a handkerchief, a witty curl on his exquisite mouth.

Wickham : Yours, I believe?

Lizzie is, for a moment, speechless, but then nods and takes the kerchief as Kitty and Lydia rush up from behind Wickham.

Lydia : Oh how perfect you are, Mr Wickham!

Kitty : He picked up my glove, too. Did you drop yours on purpose, Lizzie?

Lydia : Mr Wickham's a lieutenant.

Wickham : An enchanted lieutenant.

Y/n : What are you up to, Liddy?

Lydia : We just happened to be looking for some ribbon

Kitty : White, for the ball!

Wickham : Shall we all look for some ribbon together?

—----------Entering the Ribbon Shop_______________

They come into the shop. The others go towards the counter. Wickham hangs back, and smiles a complicit, witty smile at Lizzie.

Wickham : I shan't even browse. I can't be trusted. I have very poor taste in ribbons.

Lizzie : (gravely) Only a man truly confident of himself would admit that.

Wickham : No, it's true. And buckles. When it comes to buckles, I'm lost.

Lizzie : Dear oh dear. You must be the shame of the regiment.

Wickham : What laughing-stock.

Lizzie : What do your superiors do with you?

Wickham : Ignore me. I'm of next to no importance, so it's easily done.

On the contrary, Wickham is almost impossible to ignore. Lizzie tears her eyes from his winsome features as Lydia grabs her sleeve.

Lydia : Lizzie, lend me some money!

Lizzie : You already owe me a fortune, Liddy.

PRIDE AND PREJUDICE x y/n (2005) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now