Chapter 9

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Unbeknownst to the two of them, someone overheard their conversation and looked angry before leaving.

Lanying didn't expect to hear that Qingyuan's only purpose in life was revenge. "He never had me in his heart at all. I was too stupid to realize it." said Lanying annoyed.

"9th prince, we have some news." Minzhe said telling Lanying. "The assassins sent by the Li family, were all massacred by Bingwen and General Zhang." added Minzhe.

"Don't let A Yuan know about this." said Lanying in return of Minzhe's nod. The two then left together.

---Blue Palace---

Qingyuan received the dove and took the letter. Qingyuan was instantly furious. "How dare they!" Qingyuan said angrily.

The 4th prince took the letter from Qingyuan although his eyes showed anger but his face was always calm. "I'm with you." said the 4th prince in return of a nod of Qingyuan.

---Li Mansion---

Qingyuan entered quietly with the 4th prince. They headed straight for the inner room. The 3th prince was sitting there drinking tea.

"Today is very busy. Even the 3th prince is here." Qingyuan said flatly. "Why are you here? You're not part of this family anymore!" Jianyu said angrily. The Qingyuan sword stuck right to Jianyu's neck.

"What do you want to do?!" shouted Liqiu who came furiously. "I hope you keep your mouth shut!" said the 4th prince looking at Liqiu coldly. Liqiu was taken aback by the 4th prince's unfriendly attitude. "Brother, you can't be so impudent!" angry 3th prince at 4th prince.

"Li Jianyu, I could kill you now but I won't. I'm warning you one last time. If you dare send assassins to injure my two siblings then I will cut off your neck and hang your head at the gates of this house!" Qingyuan said coldly.

Everyone fell silent at Qingyuan's words. "If you don't believe it then you can give it a try Li Jianyu. Then you probably won't have time to regret it." Qingyuan added before putting back his sword.

"Let's go." Qingyuan said and the 4th prince obeyed. Liqiu came back from her shock and followed Qingyuan.

@Mansion Li gate

"You have no shame!" Liqiu shouted at Qingyuan. Qingyuan turned and looked at Liqiu. "You're shameless. Your son was almost killed by your golden child and you don't care. I almost forgot, you have no more children." Qingyuan quipped sadistically. "Take care of yourself." Qingyuan added before leaving.

No matter what Liqiu shouted. Qingyuan and the 4th prince didn't stop walking. Rumors spread quickly. Rumors that are detrimental to the Li Family.

Qingyuan was about to fall but his body was held up by someone. "Where are you going?" said Lanying angrily. 4th prince just smirked. “I just…” Qingyuan's words were cut off as he fainted.

That night Qingyuan had a high fever. Lanying scolds the 4th prince for not stopping Qingyuan from going to the Li family Mansion. As a result that night Lanying took care of Qingyuan again.

---Blue Palace---

Qingyuan woke up with Lanying hugging him. Qingyuan slowly let go of Lanying's hand that was hugging his waist. But Lanying tightened his hug even more.

Qingyuan's body pulled and the faces of the two became close. Qingyuan didn't dare to breathe in fear of waking Lanying up but instead stopped. Lanying's face drew closer and their lips touched.

Qingyuan's body froze. Lanying slowly let go of his embrace and turned around. Qingyuan became awkward and backed away.

What Qingyuan didn't know was that Lanying had already woken up and was pretending to be asleep. Lanying wanted to know Qingyuan's reaction. Qingyuan did not refuse nor did he respond, meaning that Lanying had a chance. That was Lanying's thoughts.

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