Chapter 18

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---Mansion 4th prince---

Qingyuan stared at the 4th prince in silence. "Why don't you take Lanying home?" Qingyuan asked flatly. "I did not find it." said the 4th prince casually.

"Haoran, I know your plan but I hope you cancel this. You know, this will destroy all my plans." Qingyuan said flatly. "I will not cross the line. Let him be like that before he regains consciousness" said the 4th prince seriously.

Qingyuan sighed. "Okay." said Qingyuan standing up. "You're coming back?" asked the 4th prince. "My wife is still waiting at home. I will not leave her alone with Lanying there." Qingyuan said before leaving. "Liar. You think I don't know? You're worried about him going home. You're just digging your own grave." said the 4th prince. "You know, but still leaving the 9th prince there." Minzhe quipped out. 4th prince looks cool.

---Zhang Family Mansion---

Qingyuan returned and went straight to his own room.

@Qingyuan room

Lanying was already up and sitting there when Qingyuan returned. Qingyuan closed the door and walked over to Lanying.

Qingyuan's hand held Lanying's forehead. Lanying pulled Qingyuan's hand making Qingyuan fall onto the bed. Qingyuan looked shocked.

Lanying pinned him down. "You don't have to pretend in front of me. That's pretty hypocritical." sneered Lanying. "Let me go." said Qingyuan pushing Lanying but Lanying's hands were locked above his head.

"Great Lord Zhang has his weak moments too." sneered Lanying. 'Unlucky!' Qingyuan cursed inwardly. Lanying kissed Qingyuan's lips ferociously. Qingyuan tried to dodge but instead made Lanying even more excited that Qingyuan gave up.

Qingyuan gasped for air after Lanying broke the kiss. The poison had already reacted earlier. Qingyuan endured the pain. "Isn't that enough? Let me go!" Qingyuan said annoyed.

"No, I'll get everything I want before I leave you." said Lanying with a smirk. That morning the hot scene happened again and again before Lanying left.

Qingyuan spat out a mouthful of blood. "It's only been a few days and I'm vomiting blood. How unlucky I am." Qingyuan grunted in annoyance. The third day after the wedding, Qingyuan visited her father-in-law's house and paid respects.

"Father, I have to go to Light Village on royal business. Can I leave my wife with you for a while? You know I am..." Qingyuan's words were cut off. "I know. I will protect my daughter and your wife from that bastard." said Minister Liu smiling.

Qingyuan smiled. Afternoon came and Qingyuan said goodbye to Liu Ying and tell her all of his decision. Liu Ying agreed with Qingyuan's decision. Qingyuan returned to his home and packed up the necessities for the trip. Qingyuan was grateful that he had not been bothered by Lanying for a few days.

The next day, Qingyuan joined the group to Light Village. Qingyuan heard from Minzhe that Lanying had asked Emperor Su's permission for him to be engaged to Li Xiuying and Emperor Su had agreed.

Qingyuan was silent and did not speak. On the way no one spoke at all. Lanying sat in the carriage while Qingyuan rode the horse. Several assassins attacked and Qingyuan managed to deal with it.

After a few days of traveling they arrived at Light Village. Qingyuan entered quietly with the entourage. The people there don't seem to like them.

Qingyuan immediately took the group to the government office before going to meet the residents there. Several residents recognized Qingyuan and brought Qingyuan into their homes.

They told him all the things that happened after Lanying left there. Qingyuan listened carefully. "I'll take care of it. Please pretend you don't care about me." said Qingyuan in return of their nod.

Qingyuan came out of the house when she saw that no one was paying attention. Qingyuan walked through the village to see the conditions there.

While walking down the street, someone suddenly stabbed Qingyuan in the stomach with a knife. Qingyuan restrained the man and locked him. The knife was still stuck in Qingyuan's stomach. After tying it up, Qingyuan pulled out the knife and saw black blood oozing out.

'Poison.' thought Qingyuan. Qingyuan sighed and went to clean himself up after handing the person over to the guards.


Qingyuan cleaned the wound with the available water and bandaged the wound after applying the medicine. Qingyuan lay down on the rocks and closed his eyes.

In the afternoon, Qingyuan woke up and saw Minzhe sitting beside him. "Already up?" Minzhe asked. "Are you hurt?" Minzhe added. Qingyuan smiled. "Small wound." Qingyuan said flatly.

Qingyuan changed into the clothes Minzhe brought. "Need to see a physician?" Minzhe asked. "No need." Qingyuan said calmly. The two returned to the government office. Minzhe went to report to Lanying while Qingyuan went to his room and slept.

When Qingyuan woke up the time showed that night had come. Qingyuan woke up and was about to look for food when Minzhe brought food. Qingyuan ate silently as if not wanting to speak.

Qingyuan got up early in the morning and went to the physician. The physician examined Qingyuan and said Qingyuan's condition was quite normal. Qingyuan smiled. Qingyuan paid and went to the riverside to send a message to the 4th prince saying don't forget your promise. Qingyuan went to check more places.

---Government offices---

The head of government Huang seemed intent keeping Lanying and continued to harass him. Lanying played with him and always received genuine reports from Minzhe. Lanying is sure, this is Qingyuan's report. Today, Lanying pretended to be sick and ran away.


Qingyuan found the oddity and seemed to check it out. Lanying pulled Qingyuan away from the place. "You want to die?" Lanying shouted angrily.

Qingyuan looked at Lanying flatly and let go of his hand. Qingyuan was about to go somewhere else but was hugged from behind by Lanying. "You think you can lie to me? You avoiding me is proof that you still have me in your heart. I'll be waiting." said Lanying stubbornly.

Qingyuan let go of Lanying's embrace and turned to look at Lanying. "9th prince please keep your attitude. Then when you are engaged to that woman then you are my enemy." said Qingyuan walking away. "I won't let you get away from me again, Zhang Qingyuan." Lanying muttered with a grin.

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