Chapter 20

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On the way back to the capital, Qingyuan was tortured by the 3th prince but Qingyuan didn't feel any pain at all. His mother's poison proved to be cruel. Qingyuan didn't feel the pain of being tortured because the poison that was attacking him was stronger and more ferocious.

Qingyuan didn't really care and chose to close his eyes indifferent to them. Several days passed and the 3th prince and entourage arrived. Residents who saw Qingyuan being held by the group were very angry and threw various things at them.

Qingyuan vomited blood right then. The 4th prince also arrived and was surprised to immediately approach Qingyuan. The people there were even more brutal seeing that Qingyuan was seriously injured. Until the 4th prince intervened then they stopped.

Before fainting, Qingyuan saw the 4th prince looking at him worriedly. "I'll take him." said the 4th prince coldly looking at the 3th prince. "Third brother, don't make this difficult. Father ordered this criminal to be brought home." said the 3th prince arrogantly.

"But I remember, just bringing him home to judge not having you hurt him the rest of the way." said the 4th prince coldly. The 4th prince's eyes showed he would kill anyone right then and there. 3th prince retreated and led his troops away. The 4th prince opened the wooden prison and took Qingyuan away.

---The 4th prince's mansion---

The atmosphere was very lively because everyone was busy passing by.

@guest room

Qingyuan lay there silently after being treated by the 4th prince's personal physician. 4th prince waited for Qingyuan to wake up from his long sleep.

When Qingyuan woke up it was already the middle of the night. Qingyuan glanced around. 4th prince felt some movement woke up. "Are you awake? Do you want something to eat?" asked the 4th prince.

"Why am I here, Haoran?" Qingyuan asked confused as he sat up. "Your injuries are too severe. I can't let you die from loss of blood." said the 4th prince awkwardly.

Qingyuan smiled. "You are still the same Haoran. You must have heard about your brother." Qingyuan said smiling sadly. "I also heard that you gave the Zhang family's only precious treasure to him. The medicine was to help yourself. There were physician there who could help him and you weren't at all. You idiot!" shouted the 4th prince angrily.

"I will not die quickly." Qingyuan said comfortingly. "The Zhang family's poison has completely destroyed your system and you are fine. You think I'm an idiot?!" said the 4th prince angrily. "Not the poison, but the poison made by my mother. I was exposed to it back in the Light Village. There is no antidote." Qingyuan added smiling.

"WHAT?! So you're saying your mother had a hand in this too." said the 4th prince angrily. "I'm still alive. Stop acting like I'll die tomorrow." Qingyuan joked. The 4th prince snorted in annoyance.

"Haoran, I hope you go to Light Village now. Take the evidence I told you about. It should temporarily hold them off until the evidence Bingwen brought arrives." Obviously Qingyuan. "Then how about you?" asked the 4th prince worriedly.

"Why do you think I'm in such a rush? Eldest Brother is about to act." Qingyuan said worriedly. "He will try to protect me so I need you to bring evidence back immediately." Qingyuan said seriously. "I know. I'm leaving tonight." the 4th prince said out. Qingyuan looked at the room before sighing. Qingyuan went to the palace that very night.


Eunuch Mu was already waiting at the gate. "I knew you would come. A Yuan, is it appropriate for you to sacrifice yourself to this extent?" asked Eunuch Mu sadly.

"Uncle Mu, I decided this. This is also for the sake of His Highness the Crown Prince, I will not let His Highness the Crown Prince get hurt. The 3th prince has already started his plan." Qingyuan said smiling.

"You still can't forgive His Imperial Majesty?" asked Eunuch Mu. Qingyuan fell silent. "Uncle, it's not a matter of forgiving or not anymore. I've given up on everything. If I have to blame then I'll blame the bad luck that followed me. I hope Eunuch Mu can stop the Crown Prince tomorrow." Qingyuan said smiling.

Eunuch Mu looked at Qingyuan sadly before bringing him into the imperial prison. On the way no one spoke again.

@imperial prison

Qingyuan looked around him and laughed. "I'm back in this godforsaken place." Qingyuan said happily. Qingyuan slowly laid his body down.

Qingyuan did not sleep until morning came. Min Ruling comes here. "How does it feel to come back to this place as a criminal?" Ruling sneered. Qingyuan just stared at her flatly.

"You'll be back here soon too." Qingyuan said casually. "No way, because you will die here." said Ruling happily before leaving. Several soldiers who had worked for Qingyuan told Qingyuan that His Imperial Majesty refused to hold the morning court. Qingyuan looked confused by Emperor Su's decision.

---Light Village---

4th prince arrived in two nights one day. When he arrived it was noon. 4th prince did not rest at all on the way.

@tree near the river

4th prince dug out the wooden box and wrapped it in cloth. When the 4th prince was about to get back on his horse. Laning stopped him. "What did brother bring?" Lanying asked flatly. "Something to save A Yuan's life." said the 4th prince. "Then you can't pass." Lanying said flatly.

"What do you mean?" asked the 4th prince coldly. "If you're going to use that thing to save that traitor then I won't allow it." Lanying said flatly. "Traitor?! You really dare!" said the 4th prince coldly. "I think you're the traitor here." added 4th prince.

"Your Highness the Prince, I beg you to step aside from the 4th prince's path." warned Minzhe who just came standing in front of 4th prince. Minzhe protected the 4th prince. Lanying looked surprised to see that.

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