Chapter 19

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---The 4th prince's mansion---

The 4th prince received a letter from Qingyuan and was reading it. 'Did that poison destroy your body so quickly? You shouldn't have gone with him.' thought the 4th prince silently.

---Li's Mansion---

@family room

"Is everything ready?" Xiuying asked happily. "Of course, this time no one can save him." said the 3th prince happily. "I'll make him die tragically. It's the result of playing games with me." Jianyu said happily. "But you have to be careful with minister Liu. That old fox has a lot of sense." 3th prince anniversary.

"When he found out, it was too late." Jianyu said happily. "It's good that you guys haven't done anything wrong." said the 3th prince happily. 'You destroyed my marriage to Liu Ying. Now you will know the result of messing up my plans.' thought the 3th prince was happy.


@kingdom garden

"Father, they are starting to move. What do you want to do now?" asked the Crown Prince, Feng ge. "We'll have to wait and see. It looks like something interesting will be coming soon." said Emperor Su happily.

"Father won't sacrifice A Yuan right?" asked the Crown Prince, Feng ge was serious. "You're so worried about him? He's the one who offered to be the bait. He wouldn't choose a game that cost him his own life." Emperor Su said casually.

'Because of that, you don't really know him father. A Yuan is the type to kill himself so he can get revenge.' thought the Crown Prince, Feng ge. No matter what, Feng ge would not let Qingyuan die. He would protect Qingyuan no matter what.

---Light Village---

Qingyuan saw the troops starting to stealthily follow him. 'Getting impatient want to catch me? Let's see what you have.' thought Qingyuan then turned a corner before disappearing.

The troops panicked and started looking for the missing Qingyuan. Qingyuan sat on the roof watching them panic. Qingyuan decided to sunbathe on the roof so he lay down there.

Qingyuan who had just woken up looked at Minzhe who was sitting beside him. Evening has come. "Good night." Qingyuan said flatly.

"Do you know how long you slept?" asked Minzhe. "From noon to night so just a few hours." Qingyuan said casually. "You slept for 3 days and 3 nights." Minzhe said flatly. "So long." Qingyuan said awkwardly.

"During your sleep, the prince has already taken care of that man and his followers. Only, that man has sent accusations to the capital about you wanting to rebel." Minzhe explained.

"I know." Qingyuan said flatly. "Give this medicine to Lanying when the time comes." Qingyuan added holding out the medicine bottle. "When is the right time?" Minzhe asked confused. "You'll know when it's time." Qingyuan said calmly.

Lanying invited Qingyuan to eat his cooking. This time Qingyuan just kept quiet and ate it. "Eat more if you like." Lanying said happily. Qingyuan didn't say anything and continued to eat.

Minzhe came and joined in for the meal and immediately spat out his food. "Why are you throwing food away?" Lanying asked annoyed. "Prince, you try to eat yourself." protested Minzhe.

Lanying ate a mouthful and vomited too. “A Yuan, are you alright?” Lanying asked looking at Qingyuan suspiciously. Qingyuan just continued eating as if he didn't hear at all.

Lanying patted the back of Qingyuan's hand gently. Qingyuan looked at Lanying confused. "Are you okay eating that?" Laning asked. Qingyuan looked at his food and then looked at Lanying. Qingyuan nodded.

"Don't eat. I'll have the others cook." Lanying said clearing up the food before leaving. Minzhe patted Qingyuan on the shoulder. Qingyuan turned his head to look at Minzhe confused.

Minzhe pointed at Qingyuan's ear. "I can't hear." Qingyuan explained. "You've lost your sense of taste too. The food was too salty." Minzhe explained. Qingyuan watched Minzhe's mouth carefully. "I see, I guess so." Qingyuan said casually.

"In a few days they will arrive." Minzhe explained. "Let them come. I'm not afraid of them." Qingyuan said flatly. "But the 4th prince is very worried about this. You might be killed on the way." minzhe said worriedly. "I told you that even if I have to die, I will do it too." Qingyuan said calmly. Minzhe sighed.

That night Qingyuan fell asleep on the roof of his room again. When he opened his eyes again below there were many soldiers staring at him. Qingyuan came down from the roof.

"Zhang Qingyuan! I order you not to leave this place!" Lanying said furiously. "Don't make things complicated little brother! He is a traitor to this country." said the 3th prince annoyed.

Qingyuan laughed happily at the 3th prince's words. The 3th prince looked shocked and so did Lanying. "I am very happy to hear those words. Your Highness 9th Prince, this little servant has to go. You know that." Qingyuan said calmly.

Qingyuan was grateful that his ears were working now so he could hear this conversation. "If you deny then you will be punished!" Lanying said annoyedly. "If you keep on like this, then I will catch you too." said the 3th prince annoyed.

Qingyuan walked over to Lanying before stabbing Lanying in the stomach with his military knife. "Sorry and thank you A Ying." whispered Qingyuan softly. Lanying was startled and backed away after Qingyuan drew the knife.

Soldiers caught Qingyuan without resistance. 3th prince looked happy and took his troops away. The 3th prince intends to let the 9th prince bleed to death.

Minzhe immediately went over to Lanying and drank the medicine Qingyuan gave her. The bleeding stopped but Lanying fainted. When Lanying came to his senses, he was furious at Qingyuan for betraying him again.

"Your Highness the Prince, we should go back and help Lord Zhang." Minzhe said worriedly. "Leave him alone, we have to work." Lanying said coolly. Minzhe was shocked by Lanying's unusual behavior. But didn't dare ask further.

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