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The devil who was witnessing the sad drama of y/n and Ji-hoon, who no longer could control his laugh busted out laughing loudly.
"hahahahahah....wow what a drama, gosh you people in heaven do this kind of drama all the time it's so funny..hahaha," the devil said laughing to which y/n turned towards the devil to see him. " what? why are you looking at me and glaring at me... it's not me who made your friend this evil...it was you y/n who made him evil hahaha, "the devil said to which y/n was shocked and confused at the same time " what do you mean because of me?" y/n as d  in confusion." of cause, you betrayed him by not loving him. you know what he was the first one to like you even before you and Jimin fell in love he liked you from the very beginning...but in the end,d you both betrayed him hahaha he was so broken that he needed his revenge and I just added some power of revenge which made him like this now." the devil said .  " you made him like this because of your stupid powers " y/n replied.

y/n and the devil were arguing about Ji-hoon's condition when the devil started talking about jihoon one side love and betrayal the real jihoon who was inside the power of revenge could hear everything he tried his best to overcome the power and fin, an ally came back to his sense the real Ji-hoon was back ...but Ji-hoon remained silent since he did not want to get caught by the devil...he wanted y/n to be safe and all he did was to be in the same where he was and looking at the two figures right front of him who were arguing.

"you think too much of yourself devil.., your mere power of revenge can never beat the friendship and bond which we share from childhood," y/n says to the devil.
to which the devil got angry" my powers are not mere....how dare you say that? "  "I dare to say that because nothing can change between me and my friends, jihoon has always known how much I am fond of my friendship with him and our friendship is not that weak that it gets restored by mere Little power of yours," y/n says to devil confidently.  devil was pissed by y/n and he could not bare his insult. " you little girl has such a big mouth to talk only shit......why don't I shut your mouth forever ..." saying this devil smirked. "I had planned that Ji-hoon should kill you it will be more fun watching your best friend killing you without his sense and jihoon killing the girl whom he loves so much...I mean his first love...after killing you jihoon will gain his sense back and then imagine what will happen....jihoon won't be able to forgive himself for killing you and then he will kill himself too from the guilt..hahaha ."  " don't you dare do anything to jihoon " y/n shouts. the devil just ignored her.

on the other Ji-hoon was witnessing everything there happening between y/n and the devil... he stood there waiting for the correct time to attack the devil...when the devil mentioned Ji-hoon killing y/n he was confused about what to do ...then he decided to fake kill y/n by his magic and y/n will be unconscious for a little period and then kill the devil by the time y/n regain her conscious. this was Ji-hoon's plan if he was asked to kill y/n.
" you think he will leave you alive? uhh...I pity you devil now I realised why you are called the devil and why you did not get to heaven from the start itself." y/n says to which the devil was confused "what do you mean ?" the devil asked." you are just brainless." y/n replied. devil losses his control he cannot bear his insults anymore." you know what am not wasting any more time killing you now I will kill you and not Joon I will you in the worst way ever I killed anybody "the devil shouts in anger and closed his eyes for the power to kill y/n devil's plan started to shine with red beam ...the light started growing bigger and bigger y/n was scared now jihoon also was scared.

The power which the devil prayed for was to kill slowly yet painfully till the last breath of the person. the devil opened his eyes and then pushed his palm towards y/n direction the light in the devil's hand was going towards y/n direction.... y/n screamed her heart out and closed her eyes." aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh.." y/n screamed.... after a few seconds y/n opens her eyes and touch her body to check and then she looked front she was shocked to see Ji-hoon standing front of her smiling but tears filled in his eyes after few seconds realistic hit her that Ji-hoon took the red beam instead of her by coming in between.." yay/n...!" Ji-hoon says and smiles a drop of tear flows from his left eye.." Ji-hoon...." y/n could not speak she was numb in her brain. Ji-hoon felt pain and then kneel on the ground. y/n also kneels to hold jihoon " Ji-hoon ahhh.... why did you do this ? why ?" y/n asks crying
The devil was also shocked seeing Ji-hoon come in between the red beam light and y/n." what the hell just happened? how did he come in between ?" devil was confused and thinking how was that possible for Ji-hoon to come in between save y/n.


Jimin who was looking at the dead bodies was confused and angry at the devil to kill his angels he suddenly heard a scream from the palace and did not know who it was exactly but rushed in the direction where the voice came From...Jimin was running hard and looking into every room and then he rushed to the main hall only to widen his eye looking at y/n crying and Ji-hoon Lying on y/n's lap in pain. 

"y/n!..Ji-hoon!" he calls and runs towards them he holds Ji-hoon's plan "Ji-hoon ahh who did this to you?" Jimin asks with tears filled in his eyes and his was red in anger .whereas Ji-hoon could not speak but can only give a facial expression of pain which he was having in his whole body, he was crying in pain but could not shout. " Ji-hoon came in between me and beam light by which the devil wanted to kill me Ji-hoon took the light instead of me, " y/n says looking at jihoon...Jimin was looking at  Ji-hoon the whole time while y/n 's after y/n completes he looks at y/n but y/n still looking at jihoon and crying. Jim realized that y/n now was blaming herself for Ji-hoon's condition. he gets angrier looking at y/n's behavior. "oh look who is here......great I was thinking of you hahaha....you came to me to kill you." the devil speaks to which Jimin clenched his jaw and talks long breaths in anger and turned to look at the devil who was laughing.

"How dare you touch my friends?" Jimin asks in anger.

"oops....am sorry I already touched your friends and one of your friends is about to take his last breath I guess..."

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