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Jimin could not believe the words that were coming out of the devil's mouth. His mind raced as he tried to process the revelation that Taehyung was actually Ji-hoon. It was a shocking twist that left him feeling both confused and He looked at Yn, who seemed to be struggling with her own emotions, and wondered how they would ever recover from this revelation. So Taehyung was recrainting his old friend Ji-hoon, who had died tragically years ago. Jimin's heart ached at the thought of his lost friend being manipulated by the devil. He couldn't help but feel a mix of anger towards the devil and sympathy for Taehyung/Ji-hoon.

YN, who had been in an unconscious state for so long, has regained her memories of her previous life. When she woke up, the first thing she heard was the voice of the devil telling about her friend who was fool enough, and she remembered Ji-Hoon, who was used as revenge by the devil. Taehyung, who was so confused by the conversation going on between the devil and Jimin, tried to confront the devil, but Jimin again stopped him by hugging and whispering to Taehyung, "Please don't do anything. Just stand still and do what the devil says. We have to make him believe that you are on his side." Taehyung agreed, and Jimin broke the hug and started acting. "I am in front of you. Just leave my friend alone," Jimin said to the devil. 

The devil smirked and replied, "Ah, the loyal friend protecting his own. How touching. But remember, Jimin, loyalty can be a double-edged sword." As the tension grew thicker, Taehyung's heart raced with uncertainty, unsure of what consequences their plan would bring. "This friend of yours wasn't even loyal to you in the past, nor can he be now. Did you even know he was the one who helped us enter the heavens?" The devil revealed himself, his voice dripping with malicious satisfaction. Jimin's eyes widened in shock and disbelief, and his trust in his friend shattered in an instant. The weight of betrayal settled heavily on his shoulders, leaving him torn between loyalty and the bitter truth. "He is lying, Jimin!" shouts YN. Jimin's head snapped towards YN, his eyes searching for any signs of deception.

 YN's voice trembled with conviction as they continued, "We've known him for years, and he was our family, Jimin; don't forget. We can't let the devil manipulate us with his lies." Jimin's conflicted expression softened slightly, but doubt still lingered in his eyes. Taehyung, who was facing the back of the devil, changed his expression after seeing Jimin's hurt face. He had no idea that he had hurt Jimin in his past life. But the situation he is in right now made him believe that he really might have done bad things to Jimin under the influence of the devil's power. He realized the impact his actions had on his friends and felt a pang of guilt. Taehyung's heart ached as he contemplated the consequences of his association with the devil, and he made a silent vow to make things right.

Jimin took a deep breath and said "I won't lie if I tell you I did not believe your words for a minute, but I always believed in my friend, even if he had helped you enter the hevens. I don't really care because he would have definitely done so under your influence," said Jimin to the devil with a determined expression. The devil let out a sinister chuckle, his eyes gleaming with amusement. "Oh, how noble of you to stand by your friend," he sneered. "But now he is not your friend but my servant. And soon, you will witness the true power he possesses under my command," the devil replied, his voice dripping with malice. Jimin's resolve only grew stronger as he stared defiantly at the devil, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

All these things are happening around Jhope took a chance, built a powerful barrier around YN, and attacked the right-hand demon of the devil. Jhope's swift action caught the devil off guard, momentarily halting his plans. The demon let out a furious roar as Jhope's barrier held strong, protecting YN from any harm. Jimin took the chance and lunged forward, throwing air energy with precision and determination. The devil's eyes widened in surprise as Jimin's strike landed true, causing him to stagger back in pain. The battle had only just begun, but Jimin and Jhope were determined to free YN from the clutches of evil. Taehyung tried to move, but he could not move from the place he stood. Then he realized that Jimin had secretly built the protection barrier around him for his safety.

Jimin and the devil continued the fight with intense ferocity, their movements becoming faster and more calculated. Each strike from Jimin was met with a counterattack from the devil, but Jimin's determination never wavered. As the battle raged on, Taehyung watched in awe, grateful for the protection barrier, but he wanted to help him. He looked around and saw Yn, who was also desperate to help them out, but she could not. She looked at Taehyung and told him about the floating smoke that was floating in the air above them.

Taehyung's eyes widened as he followed Yn's gaze towards the mysterious floating smoke. Intrigued, he wondered if it held the key to aiding Jimin in his battle against the devil. With a newfound determination, Taehyung tries to break the barrier, but he cannot. Jhope was hurt during the fight against the demon, which made Jimin rush towards him, and the devil laughed. The devil's eyes went to the floating smoke. Since Jhope was hurt, the barrier that he created was broken, and Yn came out to help Taehyung out of the barrier. Taehyung rushed towards Jhope, but before he could, the right-handed demon attacked him. As Taehyung fought off the demon, Yn desperately searched for a way to neutralize the floating smoke. With a sudden realization, Yn remembered an ancient spell that could potentially banish the smoke and weaken the devil's power. Jimin went after the right hand and killed him. Taehyung was injured more than Jhope since Jhope is an angel and his wounds would heal, but not Taehyung. Jhope got up and went to heal Taehyung's wounds. The devil tried to take the power, but when he saw the powerful smoke going in the opposite direction from where Yn was standing and chanting the spell, the devil got pissed. "Ahh, not you again!!!" he said. The devil's anger grew as he realized that Yn's spell was successfully neutralizing the floating smoke. Desperate to regain control, he unleashed a powerful attack towards Yn, determined to stop the spell at any cost. Yn lost her balance, and the spell broke. As Yn fell to the ground, she could feel the devil's attack closing in on her. In a split-second decision, Jimin jumped in front of Yn, shielding her from the powerful blow. The impact sent them both flying, leaving everyone stunned and uncertain of what would happen next. Jimin immediately checked on you. 

"Yn, are you okay? Did you get hurt anywhere?" he asked. "I'm fine," Yn replied. Jimin created the protection barrier again around YN. He turns around to see the devil consuming the power. He rushes towards the devil to stop him, but before he can stop him, the devil unleashes another attack. And he sees that the devil has already consumed a significant amount of power, making him even more formidable. Jimin grits his teeth, determined to protect Yn and others at all costs, as he prepares himself for the worst. The devil laughed at his achievement, but suddenly his laughing expression changed into pain as the power he consumed was a mixture of his and angels. Jimin's eyes widened in realization that this power is the most powerful, which can destroy everything. He knew that it was the best time to kill the devil forever.

 He also wanted to protect others and his surroundings. He went to the devil, who was graowing in pain. He created a protection barrier around him, and the devil, in case the power comes out, tries to enter someone else, creating chaos. But the power seems to be more powerful than the barrier he created; the barrier was breaking and Jimin was creating again until Jhope joined him, and it was creating a pretty strong barrier than before. "Jhope, you don't have to join. Take care of Taehyung and Yn," says Jimin. "Lord, don't worry about it. 

I have already created a strong barrier around them. Let's end this together. "This isn't going to stop with the mini barrier, you know, right? Better leave the place now with Yn and Taehyung," said Jimin. "Lord, I already know what you have planned. I'm with you no matter what; my job is to protect you and stay with you till the end, says Jhope. Jimin nodded, appreciating Jhope's loyalty. "Alright then, let's make sure we end this without harming any humans," he said determinedly. The power was so strong that it started to consume Jimin and Jhope as well. 

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