Chapter 28.

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"You slept in the couch last night." Aria asked while I'm walking her to school.

"Uhm... It's hot in my room." I lied.

"No. I got a blanket. It's cold last night."

"Well, it's hot for me."

"She kicked you out, did she."

"Ahh.... Eh..." I stuttered.

"The making love didn't work?"

"Shhh. Stop saying that!" I hissed.

"What exactly do you do to make love?" she asked innocently.

"I said. Stop saying that."

"Why? Is it hard?"

"Yes. And only adults can do it."

"Hmmm..." she massaged her chin as if she's thinking. "Maybe you did it wrong that's why she's still mad at you."

Crap! I'm losing my patience to this kid.

"Aria." I bent my knees to level with her. "Your mommy Jen and I will be alright. And stop talking about making love. It's not for kids."

"Hmmm... You're annoying and terrible but I like mommy Jen for you."

"I do too, kid." I sighed.

"Give me 100 baht." she opened her little palm.

"What for?"

"I'll help you."

"No. And I'm not giving you money."

"You suck last time. So I have an idea. This will work. Trust me."

"Stop it! No more money for you." I shook my head and yeeted her.

"Then I'll tell mommy you brought me to school with P'Miyeon. I heard you in the hut. Mommy's jealous of her."

"Now you're eavesdropping?!"

"100 baht." she opened her palmed again while smirking.

"Aishh!!!" I opened my wallet and gave her money. "50 baht. You'll get another 50 if she starts talking to me again."

"Fine." she grinned and we continued walking her to school.

"Be a good girl Aria." I let her go as we enter to her classroom and made a small wave to bid her goodbye.

"Bye! P'Lisa." she waved too but with the 50 baht I gave her.

She better worked out her plan. I want Jennie to talk to me sooner. I missed her already and I can't spend another night in the couch.



I went back to the house and saw Jennie in the kitchen while preparing vegetable for our food. Mom let her cook as she insisted in doing so.

"Hon, talk to me. Please..." I begged in front of her while she's cutting vegetables.

"Not now, Lisa." she answered coldly.

"Hon, let me explain. I just can't think of another place to do it, okay. But I swear, I was only thinking of you when we're doing it." I was about to touch her but she pointed the knife at me.

"Don't touch me."

"Love, what do you want me to do? I'll do it. Just forgive me."

She just deathly stare at me.

I moved behind her and hugged her tightly. She tried removing my hand from her waist but I gripped on her tummy even tighter.

"Love, I was never serious to them. I swear." I put my chin on her shoulder and try to kiss her neck. But then I heard a clang. When I turned, Jennie was pointing the knife on my face.

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