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Third period was upon me and I hadn't decided if I wanted to sit in my car or actually go sit behind the building with Blaine. My head told me to go to my car and avoid him like the sickness he was, but something else in me wanted to be around him.

The bell rang and I parted ways with Madison. Strolling through the halls I found myself at the back door. No one was around just like always. Not that anyone would really care. After all I was just like my mom thought I was. I was the crazy rebel girl that all the bad boys chased. The one whose daddy walked away and whose mommy hated her guts. I was the little slut who became a prude. Yeah, that was me.

"You just gonna stand there or come sit with me?" Blaine asked pushing the door open from behind me. "You okay?"

I looked up at him and nodded my head. "Of course I am." I rolled my eyes and walked out the door taking a seat on the ground.

"So since you gave me a fake number I think you owe me something." Blaine chuckled sitting down facing me at a comfortable distance.

"What do you want? I offered the ten bucks back?"

"No." He shook his head. "Go to the baseball game with me tomorrow."

"That didn't sound like you asking it sounded like you telling me I was going." I pointed out.

He just smiled. "So you can just go home with me after school, and I'll take you home after."

"Why would you want me to go with you? I'm not even nice to you."

"I like that you aren't all over me. It's different." He looked in my eyes. "Plus you have no idea how many guys would kill to take you out."

"I have a pretty good guess, and I'm not interested in any of them." I shook my head. "I'm not interested in dating at all."

"I didn't say it was a date Brooke." He said quickly. "Just go with me and don't think about what other people say. You shouldn't care what anyone else thinks about what you do."

For a guy like him that was actually really good advice. I guess I did feel bad about the stunt I pulled with my number. "Fine, I'll go but it isn't a date Blaine."

"Awesome. I'll pick you up out front."

"Won't you be here already?" I laughed. It was school after all.

"Nah, I ditch out after this." He looked down at his hands. "I got shit to do."

"Why not leave before this then?" I asked.

He looked back up at me and smirked. "Because then I wouldn't get to talk to you."


By lunch my stomach was in knots. Sure I could play it like I didn't give a shit but that was a lie. I did care what people think of me. They'll say I'm a slut again, and say that it's more than it is. Things had finally just started to die down. I was practically shaking over something I haven't even done yet.

"Something wrong?" Trent asked taking a seat beside me making Madison frown at him. No matter what she says I know she still likes his stupid ass.

"I'm fine." I mumbled looking at my food.

"Lies." Madison scooted her tray anyway from her and focused on me. "Now spill."

"I talked to Blaine earlier."

"I'll fucking kill him." Trent growled looking around.

"No, it wasn't like that." I laughed. "He wants to go to the baseball game together tomorrow, and I kinda want to go."

"Why's that so bad?" Madison asked softly. "You can't keep blaming all the guys in the world for what Zac did."

My head snapped to her and Trent put his hand on my leg to hold me down. "What Zac did was his own fault! I blame no one but him and myself Madison! I know it was my fault for being there okay so just drop it! You act like I don't remember it happening everyday, and like I don't think about how awful it was every second."

"I didn't-"

"I know just drop it okay Mads?" I begged with my eyes as tears built up. "Please?"

"Of course. I'm so sorry Brooke." She sighed. "I didn't mean to upset you, and I think you should give Blaine a shot."

"I told him I'd go but it isn't a date." I said as Trent let go of my leg. "But I know people will talk."

"So?" Paul rolled his eyes as he spoke for the first time. "Fuck people who talk."

I giggled. "I wish it was that easy Pauley."

"Well it is Brookie." He teased flipping a French fry at me.

"I agree, screw anyone who talks about it." Trent nodded. "Just do what makes you happy."

"You know we have your back no matter what." Madison added.

"Thanks guys." I smiled to myself more than them. I honestly had the best friends anyone could ever ask for. I have no clue what I'd do without their dumb asses.

Madison turned attention to her as she launched into a story about her dad blowing off plans with her for some dinner at town hall. I love Madison but her dad is honestly a douche. I guess that's why I'm the way I am with her. I just think she needs someone to care about her. Even if it's only me.

"After school do you have work?" Madison asked as we walked to our lockers together.

"Yeah, that Mustang won't pay for itself sadly." I laughed. "Need a ride?"

"No I just wanted to hang out with someone since Dad blew me off." She sighed.

"You know Trent would hang out with you." I smirked.

She smacked the back of my head making me laugh. "Shut your mouth Brooke."

"Sorry I couldn't help it." I was still laughing. "But listen I really gotta run. I'll be late."

"Yeah, sure. See you tomorrow." She waved as I jogged off leaving her alone in the hallway.

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