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Today I was back from suspension and I wasn't happy. Classes were getting harder nearing the end of the year. Skipping third period was my normal thing, but today I had a test so I actually attended.

When I finished my test early I handed it in and asked to use the restroom. I had no intentions of returning to class. The teacher simply shrugged and waved his hand dismissively at me.

Gathering my things I noticed my phone lighting up in my bag. The glow shown through the thin material. I unzipped the zipper and saw it was a text from an unknown number telling me to go to my car.

I zipped everything up and headed to the back of the building to meet Blaine. If you think with the things going on in my life that I'd do what someone from a blocked number tells me to, your nuts.

Blaine wasn't out back much to my surprise. I sighed and took a seat alone. Before the bell rang I drew in my sketchbook some and tried to text Blaine. He never replied though.

When the bell rang I went back inside to finish my day. I was taking my seat beside Madison when I saw her face full of fear. Before I could ask what was wrong she wrapped me in a hug.

"Are you okay?" She asked me.

I was confused here. She looked scared to death, and SHE was asking if I was okay? "I'm fine Mads, are you?"

She nodded. "I just saw your car and figured you would be pissed off. You know, maybe even ready to kill someone for doing that."

"My car?" I cocked my head even more confused.

Her eyes widened. "You haven't seen it?"

I shook my head feeling my blood pressure rise. "What happened?"

"Here." She handed me her phone showing me some pictures she'd taken of the damage.

My car was ruined. The body had been smashed and the windows had all been busted out. Glass was everywhere. The word 'BITCH' was spray painted on the mashed in hood. The whole thing made my stomach hurt. I was so pissed I nearly puked.

"May I be excused?" I raised my hand and asked the teacher aloud.

"For what reason?" She demanded hand on hip.

"The reason being some mother fucker just destroyed my god damn car and I need to get out of here to find out what the hell is going on!" I stood up tipping my chair over, and making it slam against the hard tile floor.

"To the office!" The teacher snapped pointing at the door.


Once I was in the principals office I was on edge. Who could do this? Nixon had no reason to call me a bitch so I doubt this has anything to do with him. It could be from breaking the football players nose. A million things ran through my head as I rounded the corner to the office.

"Miss Sinner you need to take a seat!" The secretary tried to stop me as I waltz right past her and into the principals office slamming the door open.

"You think this is fucking acceptable?" I demanded. "I got suspended for defending myself and someone can ruin my car without any consequences!"

"Miss Sinner," The principal sighed. "I'm looking for the person who did this already. You need-"

"Don't you dare tell me to calm down!" I shouted. "I want charges pressed!"

"That's a bit extreme Brooke."

"No it fucking isn't! They destroyed my car! I've spent every hard earned dime on that car and they ruined it! If I want charges pressed that's what'll happen!"

The principle looked less than thrilled with me. I didn't really give a fuck though. I was pissed and way past caring. Just as I was about to continue my ranting the secretary popped her head in and interrupted.

"I have the one who damaged that car..." She faded off seeing me dart her way.

"Stop right there Miss Sinner!" The principles voice carried out as I rounded the corner to get to the bastard who messed up my car.

I came face to face with a guy I had literally never seen before. "Who the hell are you?"

He looked at me weird. "Excuse me?"

"No not excuse you! Who the hell are you?" I demanded.

"Mark Fisher." He sat back in his chair. "I had Physics with you last year."

"Why the fuck would you destroy my car you prick!"

"Your car?" he asked still looking confused.

"Don't play stupid with me asshole! You literally totaled my mustang!" I was so mad I felt tears in my eyes. "What did I ever do to you for you to take the only thing I really have?"

"Listen, Brooke right?" I nodded as he spoke to me. "I didn't do anything to your car and I am really sorry for whatever happened to you. I'm just waiting for the principle so I can get my transcript."

My face paled I'm sure. "Oh my God I am so sorry!"

"Brooke Sinner get back in my office!" I flinched at that tone.

I turned around and saw a guy I did recognize. He was the guy Shelby was fooling around with right now. I think his name's Ryan something. He was smirking at me as I walked toward the angry principal.

"Shame about all the damage to that nice car." Ryan said leaning against the wall.

I stopped dead in my tracks. My head turned and my eyes almost exploded in my head with anger. "You son of a bitch!"

I was lunging at him to kill him when I was suddenly laying on my back looking at the ceiling. My breath had been knocked out of my lungs and I gasped. The principle was standing in the doorway and Ryan was leaning over me.

"Watch it bitch. I'll kill you faster than you can blink, and no badass boyfriend is going to scare me away. Next time it won't be the car." Ryan spat at me.

"Mister Hampton in my office!" The principle groaned. "Brooke you can go home if you'd like while I get this settled. He's going to be held responsible and I assure you I will file the report for you."

I nodded still trying to breathe right. "Thanks." I grumbled when I stood up and felt the pain seep into my side. This is not how I wanted to spend my first day back after being suspended.

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